Calus Bobblehead locations in Destiny 2 are collectables introduced in Season of the Haunted.
As suggested, these are figures of the Cabal Emperor Calus, scattered around the Leviathan and Sever missions.
New Sever missions became available each week during Destiny 2's Season of the Haunted, each containing their own bobblehead for you to find.
Some are obvious, others are more obscure, and at least one relies on pure luck. You must collect them all in order to earn the #1 Fan Triumph.
Where you're there, make sure you collect each Calus Automaton at the same time.
Leviathan Patrol Bobblehead locationsSever Shame Calus Bobblehead locationSever Reconciliation Calus Bobblehead locationSever Grief Calus Bobblehead locationSever Forgiveness Calus Bobblehead locationSever Rage Calus Bobblehead locationSever Resolve Calus Bobblehead locationDestiny 2 Season of the Haunted trailerIf you're interested in other new additions to the season, see our Duality walkthrough.
Leviathan Patrol Bobblehead locations
Several Calus Bobbleheads are available in the Leviathan Public areas, and can be collected at any time. Select the Moon from the Destinations tab, and launch to either the Castellim or Containment (both bring you to the same place).

The Castellum Bobblehead location
The first Bobblehead is straightforward, but relies on a bit of luck. Enter the Castellum, and start the Nightmare Containment activity (or join one in progress).
Defeat the various waves of enemies until you face off against the final boss of tier three. Once you defeat the boss, a message will read "Lockdown is lifted", unlocking some, but not all, of the locked doors in the area.
Look back toward the entrance of the Castellum, where you initially loaded in. To the right of that hallway is a small structure containing a door.

The bobblehead is inside of the door. If fate is on your side this will be one of the doors that has been unlocked. If it isn't, repeat the Nightmare Containment again until you have better luck.

Royal Pools Bobblehead location
To find the Royal Pools, transmat into the Castellum, then go through the door centered on the left wall, and follow the corridors. Enter the Royal Pools and head all the way to the room in the back right.

The rear right corner of that room has a hole in the floor, leading to a tunnel. Follow it to a small room filled with machinery. Turn right to find another tunnel, the bobblehead is at the end, to your left.

Pleasure Gardens Bobblehead location
The entrance to the pleasure gardens is near the center of the castellum, on the back side of the large statue.

As soon as you reach the pleasure gardens you will see a large golden statue of Emperor Callus at the rear of the room. Make your way to the base of the statue, and circle around the rear. The bobble head is sitting on the ground right behind it.

Sever Shame Calus Bobblehead location
The Sever activities are weekly story-based missions for the Season of the Haunted. Each week a new Sever mission becomes available. Previous weeks missions can be replayed in order to find collectables.

For the first, Sever Shame, play through this mission as usual. Shortly after you set the second Ritual Amplifier you will reach a room that enters lockdown, tasking you with finding and activating four switches in order to advance.
One switch will require you to retrieve a wrench to disable a deadly electrical field before you can reach it.

The bobblehead is on a platform above this switch, accessible by jumping on the pipes and structures on the right side of the narrow room.

Sever Reconciliation Calus Bobblehead location
This mission follows the same path as Sever Shame. Shortly after planting the first Ritual Amplifier you will traverse through a series of pipes, eventually emerging into a room.

In Sever Shame you went forward and left to proceed. This time turn right. You will see the tunnel you just came out of to your right.
Past that is another tunnel, and further ahead to your right is a third. Enter this tunnel, and look left at the intersection. Callus is there waiting.

Sever Grief Calus Bobblehead location
This one is near the beginning of the mission. Follow your objective marker (eliminating enemies on the way) until you plant the first ritual amplifier. A door to your left opens.
The mission continues to your right, but first go left. There are some boxes on the floor, and a Calus Bobblehead sits on the floor right behind them.

Sever Forgiveness Calus Bobblehead location
The Bobblehead is near the end of this mission, just before the boss fight. After you plant the second Ritual Amplifier you will come to two long, narrow chambers joined by a catwalk in the middle.

When you come to the catwalk look up, and to your right. The Bobblehead is peaking from atop a large cylinder near the ceiling.

Sever Rage Calus Bobblehead location
Halfway through the mission, after you meet up with some friendly Cabal and plant the first ritual amplifier, you will enter a locked down room with an Unrelenting Nightmare.

Head straight ahead, and take the first left, through a corridor that slopes down. The bobblehead is under the grating that forms the floor as soon as you reach a room.
Walk forward off of the grating, turn around, and crouch. Find a large enough gap to fit into, and the bobblehead is near the middle of this section.

The Season of the Deep is here alongside the Into the Depths quest. You can know go fishing too!Don't forget to keep an eye on the Lost Sector and King's Fall challenge rotation schedule!
Sever Resolve Calus Bobblehead location
After you defeat the Unrelenting Nightmare you will reunite with some friendly Cabal in a long corridor with several massive ventilation fans.

That's every Calus Bobblehead available - and getting them all will unlock the #1 Fan Triumph. Along the way, did you discover every Calus Automaton and opened every Opulent Key chest?
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