Galarian Pokémon, such as Galarian Meowth, Galarian Stunfisk and Galarian Darumaka, can now be caught in Pokémon Go.
Galarian Weezing was the first Galar variant to be included in Pokémon Go and it's debut was part of the celebrations for the release of Gen 8 and Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Gen 8 also includes a number of special Pokémon that can only be found by evolving specific Galarian Pokémon, such as Galarian Meowth being able to evolve into Perrserker, while all non-Galarian Meowth's continue to evolve into Persian - all of which can also be discovered in Pokémon Go.
Galarian Pokémon in Pokémon Go explainedPokémon Go Galarian Form listWatch as battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoGalarian Pokémon in Pokémon Go explained
Like the Alolan Pokémon before them, Galarian Pokémon differ from their counterparts both physically and statistically, with the Pokémon typing often being swapped; Galarian Darumaka, for example, being an ice-type Pokémon compared it's traditional fire-type nature.
Galarian Pokémon were released as part of the eighth generation of Pokémon and make their home in the Galar region, which was inspired by Britain. Due to this many of the Galarain Pokémon are inspired by either British wildlife, history or mythology.
A number of Galarian Pokémon also have final evolutions that can be achieved if the Pokémon being evolved is a Galar variant. Obstagoon, for example, can only be obtained by evolving a Galarian Linoone.

In Pokémon Go, Galarian Pokémon is a type of Pokémon Forme, much like how Pokémon like Castform has a different appearance depending on the weather.
Galarian Pokémon were released in a variety of ways, from being caught in the wild like a regular Pokémon to hatching from 7km eggs. This changes season by season and event by event; though they were regular occurances on their respective debuts, it's currently unpredictable which Galarian Pokémon will be available at any given time.
Prior examples include:
Galarian Yamask was released as part of the 2020 Halloween eventGalarian Ponyta and Rapidash released temporarily alongside the launch of Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC Crown TundraSirfetch'd made available following the launch of Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC Crown Tundra through Galarian Farfetch'd evolutionGalarian Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime made available following the paid-for Tap... Tap... Tappity-Tap... quest in December 2020Galarian Slowpoke and Slowbro were released as part of the A Very Slow Discovery event in June 2021Galarian Slowking was released as part of the Halloween event in October 2021Evolving Galarian Mr. Mime into Mr. Rime in Pokémon GoIf you are missing any from your collection, the best bet is to keep an eye on the current seasonal or event spawns and hope that they are included.
The exception to this is Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres, which can appear with the use of Daily Adventure Incense.
However you get them, know that Galarian Pokémon share the candy with their traditional forme. This means that, if you have enough candy, you can instantly evolve a Galarian Meowth or Linoone, which can help you fill in some otherwise tricky Pokédex entries.
The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon Go Galarian forms list
Below you'll find a complete list of all the Galarian Pokémon that can currently available in Pokémon Go.
To discover how many Galarian Pokémon there actually are, visit the Galarian Pokémon guide for Pokémon Sword and Shield.
No. PokémonType52Meowth

Good luck hunting down those Galarian Pokémon!
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