This week's Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to catch a shiny Nidoran Female in Pokémon Go. While Nidoran, Nidorina and Nidoqueen don’t have much use in raid battles, it’s final evolution does have Go Battle League implications.
Catching as many Nidoran as possible is the plan for this week’s Spotlight Hour – both because of the chance to shiny hunt a PVP Pokémon in Pokémon Go and because of the double catch XP bonus that runs alongside the event.
And since this is a Go Battle League-relevant Pokémon, catching a perfect one isn’t as simple as looking for a four-star monster – as always, it depends what you’re looking for.
Nidoran Female 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon GoIs Nidoqueen good in PVP?Is there a shiny Nidoran Female in Pokémon Go?What does shiny Nidoran Female look like?Other reasons to catch as many Nidoran Female as possileTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Watch as battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTubeNidoran Female 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go
This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a female Nidoran with perfect IV stats.

‘Perfect’, of course, means two things in Pokémon Go. First, there’s the maxed out, 100% IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for for your 4* Pokédex, raids and Master League. Yet, because of how CP is calcuated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is only ever the best version of itself in the Master League.
In this case, a perfect Nidoqueen in Great League has a max CP of 1492 at Level 21. However, a perfect Go Battle League IV Nidoqueen (0/15/12) has a max CP of 1499 at Level 23. In a straight mirror match, the higher level Pokémon will probably win.
Of course, you can’t see the IV of a Pokémon without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can tell if these are the droids you’re looking for, as the late Great Ben Kenobi once said, based on the CP alone.
If you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Nidoran Female:
Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 699 CPLevel 35 (weather-boosted wild CP maximum - 757 CPThe wild CP value aligns with your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, be different if you’re currently below Level 30.
Is Nidoqueen good in PVP?
In Great League, Nidoqueen is an excellent, if not the best, poison-type attacker, running Poison Jab, Poison Fang and Earth Power as a second charged move.

As a spammy and flexible Pokémon that applies a lot of shield pressure, it’s a great add in a meta with Azumarill and Medicham, which it roundly beats, and the less common (but still very meta relevant) Alolan Ninetails, Scrafty and Trevenant.
If you want a ‘perfect Go Battle League IV’ Nidoqueen, you should be looking for a 0/15/12 Nidoqueen.
Ultra League needs slightly different stats of 0/14/15, but Nidoqueen fares a fair bit worse there, losing to some of the most common Pokémon in the meta, inclusind Swampert, Walrein, Giratina (Altered) and Talonflame. If you catch a perfect Ultra League Nidoran Female, maybe keep it for the time being, as it may get a move update in future that makes it a little more competitive in this league.
Last, and certainly least, Nidoqueen is just bad in Master League. Please don’t run it if you want to win.
The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Is there a shiny Nidoran Female in Pokémon Go?
Great news - there is a shiny Nidoran Female in Pokémon Go and has been for a long time!
The shiny form for Nidoran Female was released as part of the Female Day event in October 2018; if you catch one, you can evolve it into a shiny Nidorina and, eventually, shiny Nidoqueen.

If luck is on your side, you may find a shiny Nidoran Female in the wild, but be aware that this is not a Community Day and shiny rates are not boosted, so the chances of catching one, let alone a perfect one, are very low. That said, each Nidoran you see has the potential to be shiny, so it’s purely a numbers game — tap each and every one of them and see what you get. Good luck finding the Nidoran you need!
What does shiny Nidoran Female look like?
As you can see, shiny Nidoran Female has a lovely pink colour, making it look almost like its male counterpart, who incidentally is blue when shiny.

Other reasons to catch as many Nidoran Female as possile
Aside from catching a shiny Nidoran Female in Pokémon Go, there are a number of other reasons to partake in this week's Spotlight Hour:
The best reason is, of course, the double catch XP bonus running throughout the hour. This gives you the chance to gather a lot of XP very quickly, so you can rise your Trainer Level.If you're a newcomer, this Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Nidoran Female candy to fully evolve this Pokémon and enter all of its evolutions in the Pokédex.Thanks to Nidoran Female being a poison-type, catching a bunch during this Spotlight Hour will add progress to your poison-type catch bonus medal.Spotlight Hour events only last for an hour - 6pm to 7pm (local time) - don't worry if you can't partake in this week's event. Next week sees Joltik take the spotlight on 16th July, with a very useful double catch candy bonus.
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