The Team Building quest in Pokémon Go is research released alongside the Pokémon World Championships in August 2022.
Available as part of a Twitch code giveaway throughout the event, the short Pokémon Go quest is designed to help you build out a strong Great League team.
Part of that is a branching path - having you choose between Galarian Stunfisk, Drapion and Jellicent in Pokémon Go.
Once you begin, the Team Building research is available until Wednesday, 31st August at midnight local time.
Team Building: Great League Step 1 of 3Choose a Path differences'Team Building: Great League' Step 2 of 3'Team Building: Great League' Step 3 of 3To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Watch as battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTubeTeam Building: Great League Step 1 of 3
Once you have begun the quest from the Twitch code giveaway, the first quest steps are as follows:
Catch 1 Pokémon - x500 StardustCatch 2 Pokémon - x500 StardustCatch 3 Pokémon - x500 StardustRewards: x3 Star Piece
From there, you have to make a choice...
Choose a Path Galarian Stunfisk, Drapion and Jellicent choice differences
Upon completing this step, you’ll be asked to choose between the three paths - Galarian Stunfisk, Drapion and Jellicent.
Though the quest steps from here are the same, the rewards differ - giving you a different Great League team to take away:
Galarian Stunfisk choice: Ariados, Pelipper, Galarian StunfiskDrapion choice: Skarmory, Swampert, DrapionJellicent choice: Venusaur, Jellicent, TalonflameThis changes the encounter and Candy rewards in the second step.

'Team Building: Great League' Step 2 of 3
Depending on your team of choice, they will appear as encounters and Candy rewards in this second step:
Use a Charged TM - Encounter based on your team choicePower Up Pokémon 10 times - Encounter based on your team choiceDefeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Encounter based on your team choiceRewards: x10 Candy for each of your team choices
The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
'Team Building: Great League' Step 3 of 3
The final quest step involves competing in the Go Battle League:
Battle another Trainer in the Great League - x500 StardustWin a Trainer Battle in the Great League - x1000 StardustWin 5 Trainer Battles in the Great League - x5000 StardustRewards: x1 Premium Raid Pass
Thanks to leepierre1 on reddit for confirming this final quest step.
Best of luck using your new Great League team!
Remember, you have until Wednesday, 31st August at midnight local time - which is the end of the Season of Go - to complete the above quest.
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