Zacian, one of the legendary Pokémon from Gen 8, can be battled in five-star raids in Pokémon Go.
Like it's duo partner Zamazenta, Zacian has two forms - Hero of Many Battles and Crowned Sword. Currently you can only capture Zacian in its Hero of Many Battles form in Pokémon Go, so make sure you know Zacian's counters and weaknesses.
Zacian, like most legendary Pokémon, appears in five-star raids, so you will need to team up with other trainers to ensure its defeat. Thankfully, a Remote Raid pass will allow you to join this battle from afar.
Zacian counters and weaknesses in Pokémon GoZacian CP in Pokémon GoZacian moveset in Pokémon Go Everything we know about ZacianBattling and catching Gen 8 Legendary Zacian, released August 2021 in Pokémon Go.Zacian counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go
Below you can find the counters and weaknesses for Zacian in its Hero of Many Battle Forms in Pokémon Go:
Zacian type - Fairy-typeZacian is weak against - Poison and steel-typesZacian counters - Beedrill, Victreebel, Roserade, Nihilego and Overqwil for poison-types. Metagross, Dialga, Excadrill and Genesect for steel-types. Gengar and Mewtwo, especially if it knows Psystrike, are both good choices.Other Zacian notes - Try to fill your team with powerful poison-type Pokémon and, if need another Pokémon or they faint, include steel-types. Mewtwo and Gengar will also be useful teammates during this battle.
Zacian CP in Pokémon Go
Here are the CP ranges for battling and catching Zacian in five-star raids:
Raid Boss CP - 52,195 CPCP range when being caught - 2100 to 2188 CPWeather boosted CP range (Cloudy) when being caught - 2625 to 2735 CPThank you to Amiibofan101 from reddit for the help with this information!
Zacian moveset in Pokémon Go
Zacian can use and learn a variety of Fast and Charged moves in Pokémon Go, including:

Fast Moves:
Fire Fang (Fire)Metal Claw (Steel)Quick Attack (Normal)Snarl (Dark)Charged Moves:
Close Combat (Fighting)Iron Head (Steel)Play Rough (Fairy)Wild Charge (Electric)The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Everything we know about Zacian
Together, Zacian and Zamazenta make up the Hero duo from the Galar region, with each one being a mascot for either Pokémon Sword and Shield.
The story of the Hero duo - the pair resting in the Slumbering Weald until Galar's time of need - takes clear inspiration from the tale of how King Arthur may one day return to save the British Isles.

This Arthurian connection is deepened when you consider the possibility that Zacian could be inspired by Excalibur, Arthur's legendary sword.
To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Battling and catching Zamazenta in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTubeIn the Pokémon Shield entry for the Crowned Sword version of Zacian, the sword is described as having the ability to cut through anything and referred to as the 'Fairy King's Sword,' which seem to be direct references to the mythical king and his blade.
Good luck catching Zacian in Pokémon Go!
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