A strong Tyranitar build will allow you to turn this Generation 2 Armor Pokémon into an undefeatable opponent in Pokémon Unite - the MOBA Pokémon game.
Tyranitar is classified as an All-Rounder Pokémon in Pokémon Unite, so your essential priorities will be to inflict damage, sponge damage from lower HP teammates like Attackers, and knock out enemy Pokémon such as Defenders before scoring goals with your allies. To do any of this, you will need the best items and moves for Tyranitar.
Below you will find our recommendations for the best Tyranitar build and, if you would like to see how Tyranitar matches up to the other Pokémon on Unite’s roster, please visit our Pokémon Unite Tier List.
Tyranitar build: Our recommendations for the best Tyranitar moveset in Pokémon UniteTyranitar's evolution lineBest held items for Tyranitar Best battle items for Tyranitar How to unlock Tyranitar in Pokémon UniteTyranitar Character Spotlight | Pokémon UniteTyranitar build: Our recommendations for the best Tyranitar moveset in Pokémon Unite
Tyranitar lands into the All-Rounder role in Pokémon Unite, which allows this Pokémon’s playstyle to focus on knocking out enemy Pokémon, and damaging foes up close. If you are yet to play as an All-Rounder Pokémon, Tyranitar is an exceptional choice to start learning this role.

Glancing at Tyranitar’s stats, it is a powerful All-Rounder thanks to its high offence and great endurance. When using Tyranitar, you will typically be damaging opponents by engaging the enemy first, so teammates can follow up from a secure distance. Make sure you stay alive to prevent falling behind in experience or neglect helping allies in fights; the early match can be severely arduous, if you're missing out on experience.
As Tyranitar, you will need to stay near a ranged Attacker such as Glaceon, around a Supporter like Hoopa to gain shields alongside healing, or a Defender like Crustle to follow up on displacing moves used on enemy Pokémon like X-Scissor.
Running in alongside a ranged Attacker will have you lowering the opponent’s HP, which will either knock them out or force them to leave the fight. A Supporter will grant Tyranitar better survivability or help secure last hits, due to Tyranitar being a melee Pokémon with low base movement speed. Ally Defenders allow Tyranitar to land ferocious hits on the enemy.

When playing as Tyranitar, it’s important to level up as quickly as possible, because, without evolving and a full set of moves, you will be at a disadvantage. Thankfully, Tyranitar has an advantage of rushing in to steal last hits on wild Pokémon through its single targeting or area of effect moves. This will deny the enemy experience and earn you the blessings experience gives such as levels to new moves, and most importantly the opportunity to evolve.
Tyranitar’s Ability - Sand Stream – activates when Tyranitar uses a move. Sand Stream increases the user’s defence, special defence, and continually deals damage to Pokémon caught in the area for a short time.
Sand Stream can also deal critical damage to tear away at shields.

At the start of the match, you will need to choose either Rock Polish and Bite.
We recommend choosing Rock Polish, because it can be used to cross the wall over to Lillipup to save time. It will also aid you in catching up to the starting Aipom in path due to Larvitar’s already low movement speed.

At Level 5, you will have the choice between Dark Pulse or Stone Edge.
We recommend choosing Dark Pulse, because if the enemy Pokemon falls below a set percentage, then they will be immobilised for a small time. If used again within a short time frame, additional damage will be dealt. More principally, if Dark Pulse is used with Ancient Power when piercing strength has been increased, it can ignore shield effects plus defence.
When upgraded, it will reduce this move's cooldown.

Reaching Level 9, you will then have the option between Ancient Power and Sand Tomb.
We recommend choosing Ancient Power, because it increases Tyranitar’s movement speed, adds a shield, and makes the user resistant to all hindrances. When Ancient Power is used after charging, it will emit a shock wave that will stun the enemy. If this shock wave hits an enemy, then you can emit a second shock wave that deals damage plus decreases enemy movement speed for a short time. In addition, if the second shock wave hits an enemy, Tyranitar receives a shield dependent on the number of Pokémon hit, reaching a maximum shield after striking three Pokémon.
When upgraded, Ancient Power will enhance the shields rewarded.

Lastly, Tyranitar will learn its Unite Move at Level 9 – Tyrannical Rampage.
Tyranitar will rampage, increasing its movement speed and if the user is affected by hindrances – it will shorten the time of Tyrannical Rampage. While Tyranitar continues to rampage, its basic attacks will change properties that release grounded shock waves, while dealing added damage. If an enemy Pokémon is hit by these basic attacks under a specific HP percentage – it will instantly knock them out.
It is best to use Tyrannical Rampage, when a teamfight has been going on for a little while. You, and your team, want to weaken the enemy Pokémon then use this Unite Move, when the enemy’s HP reaches to a low enough point for an immediate knock out.

This move’s basic attack can go through obstacles, but each time the basic attack is used, it will be a delayed attack pattern. You will see an indication icon on every enemy Pokémon, while Tyrannical Rampage – well – rampages. This icon above their HP bar tells you the correct amount of HP your opponent needs to ensure Tyrannical Rampage knocks them out effortlessly!
Need help deciding which Pokémon to choose? Check out our Pokémon Unite tier list and build guides for - Pikachu, Snorlax, Gardevoir, Cinderace, Greninja, Gengar, Blissey, Lucario, Espeon, Delphox, Glaceon, Buzzwole and Absol.You can also learn more about the Ranked system, Fair-Play Points and how to surrender a match.
Tyranitar's evolution line in Pokémon Unite explained
Tyranitar is placed at the end of a three staged evolution line – meaning in Pokémon Unite, it starts the match as Larvitar.
Larvitar will evolve into Pupitar when reaching Level 5. Pupitar will evolve into Tyranitar when reaching Level 9.

Best held items for Tyranitar in Pokémon Unite explained
When deciding on Held Items in Pokémon Unite, you need to contemplate which items will heighten the Pokémon’s strengths and hide its weaknesses.
Tyranitar is proficient in defeating/stealing wild Pokémon, enemy Pokémon and rushing in to score points expertly. For these reasons, Tyranitar will need Muscle Band, Razor Claw, and Focus Band.
Most of Tyranitar’s devastation will come from its basic attacks, so we want to have Muscle Band to increase the attack speed to provide constant damage to get those boosted attacks in. The basic attack damage from Muscle Band will be an extra 3% depending on the opposing Pokémon’s persisting HP.
The reasoning behind Razor Claw is that after using Rock Polish or Ancient Power to get in close, our next basic attack will be stronger; but, most supremely, will slow down the enemy Pokemon after landing a basic attack – allowing Tyranitar to continue its monstrous onslaught.
Focus Band adds slight healing to long fights, and works in tandem with Sand Stream by also granting Tyranitar further defence plus special defence.

Best battle items for Tyranitar in Pokémon Unite explained
It is best to choose the Eject Button for Tyranitar’s Battle Item in Pokémon Unite. Tyranitar has abysmal options to escape dire situations outside of Ancient Power. Eject Button will get you out of situations in a flash or let you dive in closer to aid teammates. Using Eject Button then using Ancient Power will allow you to cover the map very quickly.
Before reaching Level 9, it will be tough to escape situations without a mobility Held Item such as Eject Button. Speedsters like Absol, Gengar and Zeraora can easily pounce on Tyranitar. Having Eject Button will save you often; especially when Ancient Power’s shields are not active.

How to unlock Tyranitar in Pokémon Unite
Tyranitar can be purchased with 575 Aeos Gems or 14,000 Aeos Coins from the in-game shop.
Tyranitar is a tank-shredding monster. Focus on whittling down the enemy Defenders such as Snorlax, Crustle, Trevenant, and Greedent. Tyranitar’s pure damage capabilities will be able to provide superb benefits you will need, if enemy Defenders have previously caused you trouble throughout any of your matches.
When your attack numbers with Tyranitar are highlighted in white – this means that your moves, basic attacks, and your passive Sand Stream are inflicting true damage to enemies. True damage or as Pokemon Unite calls it piercing strength, makes Tyranitar an unstoppable fundamental counter to Defenders. True damage through the use of Ancient Power will eviscerate shields, even shields given by goals.
Best of luck out there with Tyranitar!
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