Axew, at the time of writing, is one of the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Thankfully, there are a number of ways to catch Axew during Go Fest 2022 Finale, so it’s the perfect opportunity to add Axew, and its evolutions, to your Pokédex in Pokémon Go.
Below you’ll discover how to get Axew during Go Fest 2022 Finale, along with Axew’s counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go.
How to get Axew during Go Fest 2022 Finale in Pokémon GoAxew counters and weaknesses in Pokémon GoAxew CP Levels in Pokémon GoAxew’s 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon GoAxew best moveset in Pokémon GoTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Watch as battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTubeHow to get Axew during Go Fest 2022 Finale in Pokémon Go
Go Fest 2022 Finale is a great event for anyone who’s had trouble adding Axew to their Pokédex in Pokémon Go, because there are a number of ways - whether you’ve bought a Go Fest ticket or not - to catch this elusive Pokémon.

Axew will be appearing more frequently during the Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole hours, which runs between 12pm to 2pm (local time).
Axew will also be appearing in one-star raids from 10am to 6pm (local time).
We highly recommend using Pinap Berries to catch Axew to double the amount of candy you’ll receive, because, due to it being such a rarity outside of Go Fest 2022 Finale event, there’s a good chance you don’t have much Axew candy. Doing this will help you gather enough candy to complete its evolution - 125 in total - and power Axew up if you wish.
You may also want to use Silver Pinap Berries if you have any going spare.
Axew counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go
Below you’ll find the counters and weaknesses for Axew in Pokémon Go:
Axew type - Dragon-typeAxew is weak against - Dragon, fairy and ice-typesBest Axew counters - Rayquaza, Palkia and Garchomp for dragon-types, Granbull, Gardevoir and Togekiss for fairy-types, Glaceon, Weavile and Mamoswine for ice-types.Other notes about Axew - A team consisting of fairy and ice-type Pokémon will easily take down Axew, even if you’re battling it alone.
Axew CP Levels in Pokémon Go
Here are the CP levels for battling Axew in raids and, once you’ve defeated, catching it:
Axew Raid CP - 4458 CPCP Range for catching Axew - 729 to 782 CPWeather (Windy) boosted CP range - 912 to 977 CPAxew’s 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go
Go Fest 2022 Finale event is the perfect time to catch an Axew with perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go.

An Axew with perfect 100% IV stats can be evolved into a powerful Haxorus. While creating this Haxorus does involve quite the candy investment - both in the terms of evolving Axew and powering it up - once you’ve completed this task, it will be an excellent choice for the Master League, raids and battling in Gyms.
The CP values that correspond to perfect 15/15/15 values are as follows:
Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 1173 CPLevel 35 (weather boosted CP maximum) - 1271 CPThe wild CP value aligns with your trainer level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, differ if you’re currently below Level 30.
The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Axew best moveset in Pokémon Go
Our recommendation for Axew in Pokémon Go is Iron Tail (Fast) and Dragon Claw (Charged). If you prefer to play defensively, then you may want to use Dragon Pulse instead as your Charged move.

Below you can find the complete Fast and Charged moveset for Axew in Pokémon Go:
Fast Moves:
Iron Tail (Steel)Scratch (Normal)Charged Moves:
Aqua Tail (Water)Dragon Claw (Dragon)Dragon Pulse (Dragon)Good luck catching Axew!
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