The Barbarian Set is one of the best clothing sets for increasing Link’s attack in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
When exploring Hyrule and facing its dangers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you must be prepared for all possible situations. The best way of doing so is to have a good set of equipment that can boost some of Link’s skills and traits. For instance, get the Frostbite shirt to increase Link’s attack when he is in cold locations.
Now, if you want the set that is going to increase your attack for every situation, keep reading to find out not only the exact location you have to go but everything you need to know about how to get the Barbarian set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Barbarian Armor
Barbarian Armor location in Zelda Tears of the KingdomHow to get the Barbarian Armor in Zelda Tears of the KingdomBarbarian Helm
Barbarian Helm location in Zelda Tears of the KingdomHow to get the Barbarian Helm in Zelda Tears of the KingdomBarbarian Leg Wraps
Barbarian Leg Wraps location in Zelda Tears of the KingdomHow to get the Barbarian Leg Wraps in Zelda Tears of the KingdomTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting The Legend of Zelda Tears of the KingdomWatch on YouTubeIf you'd like to learn more about Link's adventure, visit our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough.
Barbarian Armor location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
The Barbarian Armor is located at the Crenel Hills Cave (0488, 0730, 0041), northeast of the Lookout. The easiest route to reach the Crenel Hills Cave is by following the road you find heading northeast of the Lookout. Once you have crossed the bridge, just keep following north. The region is pretty easy to explore, so you can easily reach the location at the beginning of the game.

One of the ways you can learn about this place is by talking to Meeshy (1293, -0831, 0070), a NPC you find near the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower. She marks on your map the location of three treasures that belonged to Misko, a famous bandit. By following her tips, you can find the chest piece of the Climbing Gear Set and the Barbarian Armor.

How to get the Barbarian Armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Because the cave where the Barbarian Armor is pretty straightforward, it’s quite easy to get it. First, once you enter the cave, go ahead until you see two spears on the edge of the path you are on.

Face the direction the spears are pointing to, get down to the lower part of the cave, but keep going left, close to the wall. If you get in the small pond in the middle of the cave you are going to wake up a Stone Talus, which is a rough enemy to face if you are just starting your adventure.
Keep going left until you see a stack of rocks that stand out from the rest of the wall. Now, all you have to do is to explore these rocks. One option is to combine an arrow with a bomb flower and shoot the rocks. There are a few of these flowers close to the wall where the rocks are if you find yourself with empty pockets.

With the passage open, you just have to climb the wall and go through it. Inside, you’re going to find the chest with the Barbarian Armor.
Barbarian Helm location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
You can find the Barbarian Helm at the Robred Dropoff Cave (2493, - 1479, 0014), southeast of Kakariko village. One route you can use to get there is to keep going east from Kakariko Village and, then, glide to the south of Phalian Highlands.

The entrance of the cave is in a lower region so coming from a higher place is probably one of the best ways to reach if you haven’t gone too far into the game and increased your stamina. You will know you found the right place when you see a lot of small rocks grouped in the area.
How to get the Barbarian Helm in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
In order to get your hands on the Barbarian Helm, you need to solve a puzzle inside the Robred Dropoff Cave. Inside of it, there are many paths and your job is to find the right one by following the right rules. If you would like a tip that won’t spoil the cave for you, then, you should pay attention to statues.
Now, here is how to solve the puzzle in Robred Dropoff Cave. Right at the entrance of the cave, there is a message written on a stone saying 'Treasures sleep beyond the path shown by the stone statues'.

Keep going ahead and you will find a large area where there are a few paths for you to choose from and three statues at the center of it. The right choice in this room is the last path on the right side of the cave to which the statues are facing.
The next room repeats the same structure, but now there is a circle of statues and a couple of blocked paths that you can open by destroying the rocks. Again, the right choice is to follow the path to where the three grouped statues are facing. In this case, clockwise, it’s the second path – the first blocked path from the left to the right.

While you can destroy the wall of rocks easily with a bomb flower, brute-force your way up with a weapon fused with one of the stones you find laying around is also an option. Either way, after clearing enough space for you to pass, go ahead to the next area.
Your next challenge is to, first, deal with a group of Bokoblins. To speed up the process you can shoot the barrel next to them. If you don’t have strong gear or a good amount of health to face them directly, you should stay on the higher ground from where you can shoot arrows or lure one by one of the remaining enemies there so you can deal with them more easily.

After the room is clear, all you have to do is to destroy the rocks that are closing a hole in the ground. And yes you need to jump into it. But first pay attention that there are two statues facing a passage with a grid. Your goal is to get inside on the other side. Now you can glide into the hole.

There’s only one path you can follow from here and it leads you to a room with three sets of statues in front of stoned platforms each. Go to the one on the right where there is a group of three statues and use the Ascend skill. You end up in the room with the chest, so just go and grab your new piece of gear!
Barbarian Leg Wraps location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
The Barbarian Leg Wraps is located at the Walnot Mountain Cave (3931, -2066, 0129). This cave is found in the southeast area of the map. Once you have found Kakariko Village, keep going southeast until you find Hateno Village. The cave is east of it, next to a small lake south of Retsam Forest.

The Walnot Mountain Cave is by far the most challenging cave you have to go far, because of the strong enemies that lurk inside of it. Some can easily kill you with a single swing of their weapons. Because of that, the option, if you aren’t strong enough to face them, is to just force your way through the cave running and avoid their attacks.
How to get the Barbarian Leg Wraps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Once inside the cave, there isn’t much you can do. Right at the entrance, you can see that the path forks into one on the left – that goes to a lower area – and one on the right – that keeps heading up.

You want to follow the path on the right, but as soon as you start following it, some enemies in the area are going to spot you. As we said, the enemies in this cave are quite strong for those who are at the beginning of their adventure. So, the best option is to just ignore them.
As you go through the path, you will realize that the temperature is dropping. You don’t need to worry about that but do pay attention to a specific location where there is a big ice rock with an enemy frozen inside of it. In front of it, there is an Ice Like Like who shoots freezing clouds.

What you need to do is to jump from the edge right next to the Ice Like Like to reach a hole in the wall.

Inside, you will find a small shrine with a chest with the Barbarian Leg Wraps. However, it’s frozen! So you need to use fire to take it out of the ice. The method you’re going to use to produce fire is completely up to you, but if you want a couple of suggestions, you can either place wood next to the chest and set it on fire using a flint stone or just shoot an arrow combined with Fire Fruit.
And with that, you have all the pieces of the Barbarian Set and, if you'd like to learn more about Link's adventure, visit our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough.
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