Alhaitham is a 5-Star Dendro character who was added to Genshin Impact during Phase 1 of the 3.4 update.
Alhaitham is featured as the boosted 5-Star character in his Caution in Confidence Banner in version 3.7, but he will eventually return at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to him.
Whether you have him, or want to prepare for if you do Wish for him successfully, it’s good to know the best Alhaitham build in Genshin Impact, including his best Artifacts and best team. It's also handy to learn what his Constellation perks are, and what Alhaitham Talent materials and Ascension materials are needed to level up Alhaitham to his full potential.
Be sure to check out our beginner's guide with tips and tricks, and Genshin Impact codes page to get free Primogems that can be used towards unlocking Alhaitham and other characters.
Alhaitham materials and stats:
Alhaitham Talents, skills, star, element, and weaponAlhaitham Talent materialsAlhaitham Ascension materialsAlhaitham ConstellationsAlhaitham build:
How to play Alhaitham in Genshin ImpactBest Alhaitham team compBest Alhaitham ArtifactsBest Alhaitham weaponBest Alhaitham buildCharacter Teaser - "Alhaitham: Questions and Silence" | Genshin Impact.Genshin Impact Alhaitham Talents, skills, star, element, and weapon
Alhaitham is a 5-Star Dendro character who uses a sword, and is best used in an on-field main DPS role, due to the Chisel-Light Mirrors he can generate which boosts his damage.

Here's a summary of Alhaitham’s abilities and stats in Genshin Impact:
Element: Dendro.Rarity: 5-Star.Weapon: Sword.Banner: Caution in Confidence.Best build: On-field main DPS.Normal Attack: Abductive Reasoning.Elemental Skill: Universality - An Elaboration on Form.Elemental Burst: Particular Field - Fetters of Phenomena.Passive one: Four-Casual Correction (One Chisel-Light Mirror is generated every time Alhaitham's charged or plunging attacks hit an enemy, which can be triggered every 12 seconds).Passive two: Mysteries Laid Bare (Each point of Alhaitham's Elemental Mastery increases the damage of his projection attacks and Elemental Burst by 0.1%, with the maximum damage increase for both of these abilities capping at 100%).Crafting bonus: Law of Reductive Overdetermination (10% chance to receive double the item when Alhaitham is used to craft Weapon Ascension materials).Alhaitham Normal Attack - Abductive Reasoning
Alhaitham performs up to five rapid strikes with his sword, with his charged attack consuming stamina to perform two rapid strikes instead.
Plunging from mid-air will cause AOE damage to enemies upon impact, and damage any touched on the way down.
Alhaitham Elemental Skill - Universality: An Elaboration on Form
If tapping the Elemental Skill button, Alhaitham rushes forward, dealing Dendro damage to nearby enemies and creating a Chisel-Light Mirror, or two if there are none present on the field. If the button is held instead, he will enter an aiming mode where you can adjust the direction of where he will rush to when it's let go.

When Alhaitham has at least one Chisel-Light Mirror present, his normal, charged, and plunging attacks are all converted into Dendro damage which can't be overridden. When hitting with a normal, charged, or plunging attack with a Chisel-Light Mirror active, they will create a Projection Attack, dealing AOE Dendro damage based on how many mirrors are present.
Only three Chisel-Light Mirrors can exist at the one time, and if Alhaitham leaves the field, all of his mirrors will disappear.
Alhaitham Elemental Burst - Particular Field: Fetters of Phenomena
Alhaitham creates a Particular Binding Field and also deals multiple instances of AOE Dendro damage. The number of AOE damage instances is increased if there are Chisel-Light Mirrors present when his Elemental Burst is used.
More mirrors are also generated after using his burst, depending on how many mirrors were consumed. The more consumed, the less will be generated. Here's how many are created per mirror consumed:
None consumed - Three Chisel-Light Mirrors generatedOne consumed - Two Chisel-Light Mirrors generatedTwo consumed - One Chisel-Light Mirrors generatedThree consumed - No Chisel-Light Mirrors generated
Genshin Impact Alhaitham Talent materials

To get the most out of using Alhaitham, you will have to level his skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Alhaitham, you'll need to farm a lot of Rich Red Brocade and Ingenuity materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
As Alhaitham has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of his abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Alhaitham Talent materials you need to improve one of his abilities:
Alhaitham Talent levelAlhaitham Talent materialsMora costLevel 2x3 Teachings of Ingenuity, x6 Faded Red Satin12,500Level 3x2 Guide to Ingenuity, x3 Trimmed Red Silk17,500Level 4x4 Guide to Ingenuity, x4 Trimmed Red Silk25,000Level 5x6 Guide to Ingenuity, x6 Trimmed Red Silk30,000Level 6x9 Guide to Ingenuity, x9 Trimmed Red Silk37,500Level 7x4 Philosophies of Ingenuity, x4 Rich Red Brocade, x1 Mirror of Mushin120,000Level 8x6 Philosophies of Ingenuity, x6 Rich Red Brocade, x1 Mirror of Mushin260,000Level 9x12 Philosophies of Ingenuity, x9 Rich Red Brocade, x2 Mirror of Mushin450,000Level 10x16 Philosophies of Ingenuity, x12 Rich Red Brocade, x2 Mirror of Mushin, x1 Crown of Insight700,000Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Alhaitham's skills:
x1 Crown of Insightx3 Teachings of Ingenuityx6 Faded Red Satinx6 Mirror of Mushinx21 Guide to Ingenuityx22 Trimmed Red Silkx31 Rich Red Brocadex38 Philosophies to Ingenuity1,652,500 MoraTo upgrade all three of Alhaitham's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you need:
x3 Crown of Insightx9 Teachings of Ingenuityx18 Faded Red Satinx18 Mirror of Mushinx63 Guide to Ingenuityx66 Trimmed Red Silkx93 Rich Red Brocadex114 Philosophies to Ingenuity4,957,500 MoraGenshin Impact Alhaitham Ascension materials

Just like Talents, you need to use Alhaitham Ascension materials to upgrade his health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You need to farm a lot of Sand Grease Pupa and Rich Red Brocade materials for Alhaitham (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Alhaitham to his highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Alhaitham Ascension materials you need to upgrade him for each Ascension level:
Alhaitham Ascension levelAlhaitham Ascension materialsMora costAscension rewardLevel 20x1 Nagadus Emerald Sliver, x3 Sand Grease Pupa, x3 Faded Red Satin20,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 40x3 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, x2 Pseudo-Stamens, x10 Sand Grease Pupa, x15 Faded Red Satin40,000NoneLevel 50x6 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, x4 Pseudo-Stamens, x20 Sand Grease Pupa, x12 Trimmed Red Silk60,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 60x3 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, x8 Pseudo-Stamens, x30 Sand Grease Pupa, x18 Trimmed Red Silk80,000NoneLevel 70x6 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, x12 Pseudo-Stamens, x45 Sand Grease Pupa, x12 Rich Red Brocade100,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 80x6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstone, x20 Pseudo-Stamens, x60 Sand Grease Pupa, x24 Rich Red Brocade120,000NoneIn total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Alhaitham in Genshin Impact:
x1 Nagadus Emerald Sliverx6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstonex9 Nagadus Emerald Fragmentx9 Nagadus Emerald Chunkx18 Faded Red Satinx30 Trimmed Red Silkx36 Rich Red Brocadex46 Pseudo-Stamensx168 Sand Grease Pupa420,000 MoraGenshin Impact Alhaitham Constellations
By getting duplicates of Alhaitham from wishing on Banners, you will receive his Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.

Here are all of Alhaitham's Constellation level upgrades in Genshin Impact:
Intuition (C1): Alhaitham's Elemental Skill's cooldown period is reduced by one second when a Projection Attack hits and enemy. This can be triggered once every second.Debate (C2): Alhaitham's Elemental Mastery is increased by 50 for eight seconds when he generates a Chisel-Light Mirror, with a maximum of four stacks. Each stack has it's own independent duration, and this effect can be triggered even when the maximum number of mirrors has been reached. Negation (C3): Increases the level of Alhaitham's Elemental Skill by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.Elucidation (C4): When is Elemental Burst is used, the whole party gains buffs depending on how many Chisel-Light Mirrors are consumed and created upon activation of his burst. Each mirror consumed increases the Elemental Mastery of the party by 30 for 15 seconds, with each mirror generated granting Alhaitham a 10% Dendro damage bonus for 15 seconds. The duration of these buffs are reset if Alhaitham's Elemental Burst is used again before they are done.Sagacity (C5): Increases the level of Alhaitham's Elemental Burst by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.Structuration (C6): Two seconds after his Elemental Burst is used, Alhaitham will generate three Chisel-Light Mirrors, regardless of the number of mirrors consumed. Additionally, if he generates mirrors when they are at their cap, Alhaitham's crit rate is increased by 10% and his crit damage is increased by 70%, both effects lasting five seconds. If this buff is triggered again before its effects run out, its duration is increased by an additional five seconds.How to play Alhaitham in Genshin Impact
Alhaitham is a fantastic Dendro DPS on-fielder, with only a slightly annoying playstyle.
With Alhaitham, you'll want to have three of his Chisel-Light Mirrors active as often as possible, as each one provides a damage boost. This requires you to learn specific attack patterns, or memorise what gives you mirrors if you want the biggest DPS potential from Alhaitham.

After Ascending him and unlocking his first passive, you should aim to start your attack cycle by activating Alhaitham's Elemental Burst, which will give you three Chisel-Light Mirrors as long as you don't have any on the field at the moment of activation. Two seconds later, use a charged attack or his Elemental Skill, and four seconds after that you should use the opposite option.
An example of this ideal Alhaitham attack pattern would be:
Activate Elemental BurstNormal attack for two secondsUse Elemental SkillNormal attack for four secondsUse charged attackYour aim is to use a skill that will generate another mirror as soon as you lose one, so Alhaitham has three on-field as long as possible to maximise his normal attack damage.
It's also very important to remember that Alhaitham is an on-field DPS main who will lose his mirrors if swapped for another character. Ideally, only swap to another party member when Alhaitham has no mirrors present.
Best Alhaitham team comp in Genshin Impact
Being Dendro, Alhaitham has a pretty flexible team comp, but we do suggest bringing another Dendro character for a synergy bonus, and to act as a battery. A battery is a role for a character who is brought to provide particles for another, usually a DPS.
If you have her, the best choice for a fellow Dendro party member is Nahida, as she is an excellent sub DPS character in her own right. If you don't have her, the Dendro Traveler is also a good pick. New 4-Star Yaoyao is helpful if you need a Dendro healer, but Kokomi is also a good healer if you need a Hydro team memebr.
For Bloom teams, Xingqiu and Yelan are two of the best picks as Hydro teammates. They work well on their own, but even better together.

Quicken teams are also very effective with Alhaitham. There are so many good Electro supports to pick from here, but Fischl, Yae Miko, or Raiden Shogun are some of the best, depending on your needs. Running two Electro characters will also help with your Electro Energy needs.
If you're using Hydro and Electro characters to run a Hyperbloom team then we also recommend bringing a healer. Kokomi, Kuki Shinobu, and Yaoyao are currently the best picks.
Best Alhaitham Artifacts in Genshin Impact

As Alhaitham is Dendro, somebody in your party should aim to equip the 4-piece Deepwood Memories set, as it shreds Dendro resistance on enemies, and boosts Dendro damage with the 2-piece. Ideally, this will be another Dendro character, but equipping it on Alhaitham can work if he's your only Dendro party member.
If Deepwood Memories is on another character, then we think that the 4-piece Gilded Dreams is Alhaitham's best Artifact set. It will increase his Elemental Mastery by 80, and boost his attack when triggering an Elemental Reaction, which you'll want to be doing as much as possible.
Alternatively, if you have Energy Recharge needs, then the 2-piece Emblem of Severed Fate will help. We recommend doubling up with 2-piece Deepwood Memories or Gilded Dreams if you do equip the Emblem set.
For all Artifacts, you should prioritise Elemental Mastery, attack percentage, and crit rate and damage stats. Energy Recharge is recommended over Elemental Mastery if you have energy needs not being fixed elsewhere with team members or weapons.
Best Alhaitham weapon in Genshin Impact
As with most signatures, the 5-Star Light of Foliar Incision sword is Alhaitham's best weapon in Genshin Impact. Signature weapons are basically custom built for characters, as is the case with this one.
The Light of Foliar Incision sword has 542 base attack and 88.2% crit damage at Level 90 with Refinement Rank 1. The sword's buff means Alhaitham's crit rate is increased by 4%. Additionally, when normal attacks deal Elemental Damage, normal attacks and Elemental Skills then increase their damage dealt by 120% of his Elemental Mastery. You can obtain this buff once every 12 seconds.

If you don't want to spend your Fate on Wishing on more character and weapon Banners, however, then you can repurpose other 5-Star swords instead, most notably the Mistsplitter Reforged for its Elemental Damage buffs, or the Primordial Jade Cutter for its increase in HP and attack bonus scaled off of HP.
As for 4-Star weapon options, the Toukabou Shigure and Xiphos' Moonlight seem to be great options for their increase in damage and Energy Recharge, respectively. Favonius Sword is also a great pick, as you'll be rewarded with Energy Particles for critical hits with Alhaitham, which he should be landing pretty regularly if you build him that way.
Hydro Archon Furina is coming, but for now in Version 4.1, Neuvillette and Wriothesley debut, and you'll need Subdetection Units for Wriothesley. Our Fontaine guide can help with Fontaine's Reputation and the Fountain of Lucine, and you can also redeem new codes for Primogems, and check out our regularly updated tier list.You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events.Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners, Dendroculus locations, fishing locations, and TCG card locations.
Best Alhaitham build in Genshin Impact
If you want to take advantage of his amazing on-field DPS capabilities, we have compiled what we think is currently the best Alhaitham build in Genshin Impact:
Alhaitham Best Weapon: 5-Star Light of Foliar Incision sword.Alhaitham Best Artifacts: 4-Piece Gilded Dreams.Alhaitham Best team comp: Nahida, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu.
It can take a lot of time to farm for the materials needed to get Alhaitham to his full potential, but if you're after a pretty flexible Dendro main DPS who you can build a lot of teams around, then he looks worth it. If you just want decent Dendro application, however, then there are other characters who already provide this in the game.
Good luck levelling up Alhaitham in Genshin Impact!
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