Skill Books in Starfield are the named magazines you find throughout your interstellar travels, with each giving you a different Skill Bonus.
It's a good idea to pick up Skill Books when you see them in Starfield, as they have a wide range of benefits, from increasing carry capacity, to reducing fall damage, to improving weapons - and that's just naming a few perks!
To help give you an edge while exploring the Settled Systems and beyond, we've got Skill Book locations in Starfield detailed below, including Mining Monthly, Peak Performance, and Constellation Guide locations.
Please note that this is an in-progress guide, so we'll update this page when we find more Skill Books.
Update: We added 15 more Skill Book locations on 14th September.
How to use Skill Books in StarfieldLocations:
Combatech Catalog locationsConstellation Guide locationsCyber Runner's Cipher locationsFreestar Captain's Log locationsGunslinger's Guide locationsMining Monthly locationsNeon Nights locationsNova Galactic Manual locationsPeak Performance locationsSolomon's Adventures locationsThe New Atlantian locationsTrackers Primer Manual locationsUC Defense Manual locationsVa'Ruun Scripture locationsVanguard Space Tactics locationsTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Our latest look at Starfield gameplay footage.Watch on YouTubeIf you’d like more help in your galactic adventures, visit our Starfield guides, tips and tricks page.
How to use Skill Books in Starfield
The great thing about them is that you only need to pick up Skill Books to use them in Starfield. The bonus you get is a permanent buff to your current character, so you don't even need to keep them in your inventory to take advantage of Skill Books.

You can even sell Skill Books for some quick Credits without losing their bonuses if you want - but they only go for 100 Credits each - but every little helps if you picked the Dream Home trait!
We tested this out by dropping our increased carry weight Skill Books, and then checking to make sure the number didn't change.
Starfield Combatech Catalog locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Combatech Catalog Skill Book.
Here's all of the Combatech Catalog locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureCombatech Catalog 02Phobos (orbiting) - Sol star systemUC Vigilance shipOn a table under a monitor in a side room of the Operations Center. You need to take an elevator up to this room (the UC Vigilance might only be dockable after it you're caught with Contraband for the first time)Slightly increases the range and accuracy of CombaTech weapons

Starfield Constellation Guide locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Constellation Guide Skill Book.
Here's all of the Constellation Guide locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureConstellation Guide 01Jemison - Alpha Centauri star systemNew Atlantis - The LodgeOn a standing desk by the floating Artifacts in The Lodge's main roomPermanently reduces fall damage by 5%

Starfield Cyber Runner's Cipher locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Cyber Runner's Cipher Skill Book.
Here's all of the Cyber Runner's Cipher locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureCyber Runner's Cipher 01Volii Alpha - Volii star systemNeon (Core main hub area) - Slayton AerospaceGo to the Trade Tower at the end of Neon's Core hub area (in the direction of GalBank and Terrabrew) and take the elevator on the ground floor of the tower to Slayton Aerospace. The Skill Book is on a coffee table on the left-hand side of the main lobby.Adds a bankable auto-attempt for hacking

Starfield Freestar Captain's Log locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Freestar Captain's Log Skill Book.
Here's all of the Freestar Captain's Log locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureFreestar Captain's Log 03Akila - Cheyenne star systemAkila City - ConsulateOn a round glass table in the room behind AaronPermanently increases carry capacity by 5kg
Starfield Gunslinger's Guide locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Gunslinger's Guide Skill Book.
Here's all of the Gunslinger's Guide locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureGunslinger's Guide 01Akila - Cheyenne star systemAkila City - The RockOn a table between two red chairs, outside of Marshall Daniel Blake's office, same floor as the Ranger's sleeping quarters and meeting room. The Rock is the large building in front of the main squarePermanently reload and draw Laredo weapons 5% faster

Starfield Mining Monthly locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Mining Monthly Skill Book.
Here's all of the Mining Monthly locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureMining Monthly Issue 01Piazzi IV-C - Piazzi star systemAbandoned MineOn a desk in a small building with an airlock entrance, to the left of Deep Cave building entrance (not the airlock up the tall tower)Permanently increases tool-grip weapon damage by 2%

Starfield Neon Nights locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Neon Nights Skill Book.
Here's all of the Neon Nights locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureNeon Nights 02Volii Alpha - Volii star systemNeon (Core main hub area) - Astral LoungeGo to the Trade Tower at the end of Neon's Core hub area (in the direction of GalBank and Terrabrew) and go up the stairs to enter the Astral Lounge. In the lounge, take the elevator up to the VIP section and check Booth 1 to find the Book on a round glass table.Permanently grants the recipe for the chem S.T.E.V.E, which slows down time and increases ranged damage for a limited time

Starfield Nova Galactic Manual locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Nova Galactic Manual Skill Book.
Here's all of the Nova Galactic Manual locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureNova Galactic Manual 01Cassiopeia I - ETA Cassiopeia systemSarah's Crash Site - Escape Shuttle 03 Cabin (companion story)You might have to reach a high enough affinity with Sarah Morgan and start her personal quest to get the 'Sarah's Crash Site' landmark. When you do have it, go into the small escape shuttle and look down to find this Skill Book on top of a small white objectPermanently reduces fuel needed for a grav jump by 1%

Starfield Peak Performance locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Peak Performance Skill Book.
Here's all of the Peak Performance locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPicturePeak Performance 01Jemison (orbiting) - Alpha Centauri star systemThe EyeBeside a water cooler in the small weightlifting room at Facilities F01 entrance.Permanently increases carrying capacity by 5kg
Starfield Solomon's Adventures locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Solomon's Adventures Skill Book.
Here's all of the Solomon's Adventures Manual locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureSolomon's Adventures 01Akila - Cheyenne star systemAkila City - Coe EstateOn a bedside table in the bedroomPermanently increases weapon damage at night by 5%

Starfield The New Atlantian locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a New Atlantian Skill Book.
Here's all of The New Atlantian locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureThe New Atlantian 01Tau Ceti II - Tau Ceti star systemTau Gourmet Production Center - Building near landing spotOn a bench beside two ammo boxes, near a ground floor entrancePermanently grants the recipe for the The Deep food item

Starfield Trackers Primer Manual locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Trackers Primer Manual Skill Book.
Here's all of the Trackers Primer Manual locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureTrackers Primer 02Indum II - Indum star systemPilgrim's RestEasily obtainable during 'Unity' main mission. The Book is behind the locked room you need to get into, on the tablePermanently increases ballistic weapon damage by 5%

Starfield UC Defense Manual locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a UC Defense Manual Skill Book.
Here's all of the UC Defense Manual locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureUC Defense Manual 01Niira - Narion star system1-of-a-Kind SalvageOn top of the middle bench, above an ammo box, on the upper floor of the 1-of-a-Kind Salvage buildingSlightly increases magazine size and weapon bash critical chance for all Allied Armaments guns

Starfield Va'Ruun Scripture locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Va'Ruun Scripture Skill Book.
Here's all of the Va'Ruun Scripture locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureVa'Ruun Scripture 01Jemison - Alpha Centauri star systemNew Atlantis - SpaceportUC Security Office jail cells. Unlocked cell in the back, on the floor by the bedPermanently increases sneak bonus by 1% and melee sneak attack damage by 5%

Starfield Vanguard Space Tactics locations
If on a mobile device, scroll to the right of the table below to see a picture if you need more help finding a Vanguard Space Tactics Skill Book.
Here's all of the Vanguard Space Tactics locations in Starfield that we've found so far:
Skill BookPlanet/MoonLandmarkLocationBonusPictureVanguard Space Tactics 01Jemison - Alpha Centauri star systemNew Atlantis - MASTTake the elevator at MAST down to the Vanguard Orientation Hall and walk to the end and enter the Vanguard exam room. The Skill Book is on a bench in the locker room up the stairs, on the right-hand side (you might have to proceed with the 'Supra Et Ultra' UC Faction mission to unlock this area)Ship missiles permanently deal 5% more damage

We'll add more Skill Books as we find them!
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