Console commands in Starfield let you cheat your way to invincibily, Skill Points, any item you want, and more!
These Starfield cheats are incredibly useful if you just want to live out your space fantasy without having to deal with those pesky health points or deciding what Skill you want (you can have them all!)
We've listed all known console commands in Starfield below, but do keep in mind that these only work on PC unless you're using the 'play anywhere' feature to activate a cheat on PC, then pick up your save on an Xbox.
How to use console commandsStarfield console commands and cheats listCan you use console commands on Xbox?Do console commands disable achievements?To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Our latest look at Starfield gameplay footage.Watch on YouTubeHow to use console commands in Starfield
To star using console commands in Starfield you first have to bring up the console itself by pressing the '`' Grave key on UK keyboards, or the '~' Tilde key on US keyboards. This should be below the 'ESC' key on the top left-hand corner of both UK and US keyboards.
The console will open in a pop-up menu and you can now enter each console command cheat one at a time. Don't worry about capitalising any of the commands, as the cheats work with or without capital letters.
Once you've typed your command, press enter to apply it. You can then type another command and apply it with enter again.
![An astronaut in a white space suit and helmet on looking up and to the right with a space background and ship flying in background with red trail behind it.](
Starfield console commands and cheats list
A lot of the console commands in Starfield are similar to those in Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, so they're pretty easy to figure out if you regularly use cheats in other Bethesda Game Studios titles.
Although they're easy to input, be very careful when using console commands, as they put a lot of strain on PCs if you use too many, and some might even break your current save file.
You can narrow your search for a particular command by using the searchbar below, or by using 'ctrl+f' on this page.
![A spaceship on a planet against a backdrop of outerspace in a piece of Starfield concept art.](
With thanks to user RelationshipHuman136 on the Starfield subreddit who sourced a number of the commands from IGN, here's a list of all console commands and cheats in Starfield discovered so far:
Console Command CheatWhat it doestgmToggle God Mode - Enables invincibility and unlimited ammo.player.setav carryweight (carryweight number)Changes carryweight capacity - Replace (carryweight number) with the amount of carrywight you want.additem (Item ID) (Value)Adds Items - Specified items in place of '(Item ID)' will be added to your inventory (we have a separate item ID list).timToggle Immortal Mode - You to take damage, but you never reach 0 health.psbPlayer Spellbook - Unlocks all available powers.ToggleImmortalModeToggles Immortal mode - Health, O2, and Magic can decrease but never go to 0.player.removeperk (Perk ID)Remove Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds - The specified '(Perk ID)' Skill, Trait, or Background is removed.player.addperk (Perk ID)Add Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds - The specified '(Perk ID)' Skill, Trait, or Background is added. You need at least one Skill point for this command to work.tdetectToggle Detect - NPCs no longer detect you.tcaiToggle Combat AI - Combat AI no longer targets you. Re-enter the code to disable and enable again.tclToggle No Clip - Character collision is disabled, allowing you to fly through walls, floors, and other objects. Re-enter the code to disable and enable again.tmToggle Menus - Toggle UI menus on and off.tfcToggle Freefly Camera - The Camera is detached from the player, so you're free to fly about the map.(Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID)Attach Weapon Mods - Specified weapon mods in place of '(OMOD ID)' will be applied to your '(Ref ID)' reference weapon.(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID)Remove Attached Weapon Mod - Specified weapon mods in place of '(OMOD ID)' will be removed to your '(Ref ID)' reference weapon.killallKill All NPCs - All NPCs in the area are killed.kahKill All Hostiles - All hostile NPCs in the area are killed.resurrectResurrect NPC - Selected NPC is resurrected. Select the NPC while in the console command menu so their Reference ID appears, then enter the command code.unlockUnlock Doors and Containers - Unlock your current target door or container. Select the door while in the console menu, and then input the command.sexchangeChanges your characters gendershowmenu sleepwaitmenuShows the sleep / wait menu without having to use a bed or chairplayer.setlevel (Value)Increase Character Level - Increases your character to the '(Value)' specified level.player.additem (Item ID) (Value)Add the specified '(Item ID)' item to your inventory.player.placeatme (Item ID) (Value)Spawns Item - The specified '(Item ID)' item is spawned directly in front of your character.player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID)Pay Off Bounties - Pay off any outstanding Bounties for a specified Faction.showlooksmenu player 1Open Character Creator - Opens the character creator menu.saqStart All Quests - All Main Story and Side Quests are started (high chance of crashing your game if used),caqsComplete Main Quests - All Main Story Quests are completed (high chance of crashing your game if used).ShowHighMaxHeights (shmh)Shows or hides the high res max height data.EnableStoryManagerLoggingEnable story manager logging.DumpPapyrusStacks (dps)Dumps all Papyrus stack information the log.DumpPapyrusTimersDumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.DumpPapyrusLOSEventsDumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log.DumpPapyrusDistanceEventsDumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo (dppi)Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed.DumpPapyrusEventRegistrationsDumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script).RunCompactionRuns compactionSetSubgraphToDebugSubgraph To Debug.EnableRumbleEnables / Disables rumble.HavokVDBCaptureHavok VDB CaptureToggleNavmeshInfoToggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos.PlaySyncAnimPlay Sync Anim.SetFormKnownSets the known flag on a form.SetDebugQuestSets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type.SetQuestAliasLoggingTurns alias logging on/off for a quest.SetRaceSets the passed in actor's race.FindForm (find)Find a form.StartPapyrusScriptProfile (StartPSP)Starts profiling a Papyrus script.StopPapyrusScriptProfile (StopPSP)Stops profiling a Papyrus script.StartPapyrusFormProfile (StartPFP)Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.StopPapyrusFormProfile (StopPFP)Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.StartPapyrusStackRootProfileStarts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.StopPapyrusStackRootProfileStops profiling all Papyrusstacks starting at a script.TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler (TPGP)Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles everything)PrintQuestSceneInfoPrints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.IsInvulnerableIs the actor invulnerable?CollisionMeshToggle Mesh Collision InfoHavokWorldStep (hkstep)Toggle BhkWorld Havok Step InfoIsolateRenderingEnable isolated rendering for selected object.ToggleWaterCurrentGeometryDisplays or hides water current geometry.PerformActionPerforms the specified action on the selected actor.StartTrackPlayerDoorsStarts tracking player-activiated teleport doors.StopTrackPlayerDoorsStops tracking player-activated teleport doors.CheckPlayerDoorsCompares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.SetInChargenToggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]ForceResetForce the game to run a full reset.ForceCloseFilesClose masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]HotLoadPlugin (HLP)Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting (high chance of crashes and corrupted save files).GenerateBendableSpline (Spline)Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.Reload (Papyrus script)Reloads the specified '(Papyrus script)' Papyrus script.TestAimTest an actor's aim.TestLookTest an actor's looking.PushCameraPush camera to editor.MoveToEditorCameraMove to the editor camera.MoveToEditorSelectionMove to the editor selection.PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT)Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.DumpConditionsFunctionsOutput the current counters for condition function calls.ReloadAnimationGraphsReload the currently loaded animation graphs.ToggleWeaponOverlayToggle the weapon overlay.ForceDetectForces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.ChangeAnimArchetype (caa)Change the selected actor's anim archetype.ChangeAnimFlavorChange the selected actor's animal flavor.SetAngryWithPlayerSet the angry with player flag.ForceRepathForce the actor to repath.ForcePathFailureForce the actor's path to fail.DumpFormListDump the contens of given formlist to the console output.TraceAnimationEventsTrace an actor's animation events.ShowModsShow all property mods on an object.DumpInputEnableLayersDumps all currently used input enable layers to the console.AttachModAttach a mod to an object.RemoveModRemove a mod from an object.SpawnTemplatedObjectSpawn a ref to a templated object (object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2)CallFunctionCalls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.CallQuestFunction (cqf)Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.CallGlobalFunction (cgf)Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.ResetInputEnableLayerResets all control disables on a specific input enable layer.ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc)Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls.ResetForceEnabledPlayerControlsResets all force-enabled player controls.GetActorRefOwnerPrints the owner of the currently selected reference.SetActorRefOwner (saro)Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player).HasActorRefOwner (haro)Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.SetOutfitChange the default outfit for the actor.PassTimePasses the given number of hours asif the player were sleeping.LinkLocationsLinks two locations under the given keyword.ShowLinkedLocationsOutputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.SetLinkedRefLinks the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.ResetContainerResets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.SetSceneForDebugSets the current debug scene.PreloadExteriorPreloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.TestPathDebug function to test a path.ToggleControlsOverlyToggle Controls Overlay.RefreshRebug function to refresh a reference.DynamicResolutionChange the dynamic resolution settings.TestLoadingMenuDebug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.RecalcInstanceDataDebug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.ToggleReferencePoseRoggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.SetPersistLocationDebug function to set the persist loc on reference.SetLocationRefTypeDebug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.ShowLocDataDebug function to dump data about a location.ReserveLocDebug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.UpdateAwakeSound (UAS)Update the selected actor's currentl conscious loop.SetHarvestedMark the current reference as Harvested or not.PauseScenePause or unpause the specified scene.SpawnDupeMake a duplicate ref of the selected ref.DisableDistantReferencesDisable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref.FireAssertFire an assert (with text passed, if available).ForcePersistentForce a reference to become persistent.PlayActionCamera (pac)Play this action camera on the reference with target reference.StopActionCameraStop the action camera.ChangeStanceChange the actor's stance.AuditionWwiseEventSet of commands for auditioning Wwise events.AuditionReverbForm (arf)Force a given Reverb form to be active.SetWwiseState (sws)Sets a global Wwise State.BuildAnimationData (bad)Build the animation data for the actor.SwitchSkeletonToggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.SetBoneTintRegionAdd bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.GetHelloorGreeting ()Prints out info id for an actor.SendDialogueEventSends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor.SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed ()Player will always succeed at speech challenge.SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail ()Player will always fail at speech challenge.RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma)Compares the materials of the selected reference.CaptureMessages (Message)Captures specified '(Message)' DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.IuaToggleTrijuiceToggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).SetPresentThreshold (spt)Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)LinkFullAccountLink full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password)IsLoggedIn (isonline)Is the player logged in to (getlegaldocs)Retrieves a list of all required legal documents.AcceptLegalDocAccepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id)GetDataAttachmentPrints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id)DeleteDataAttachmentDeletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id)UploadCharacterDataUploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.GetAttachmentLeaderboard (getattachmentleaderboard)Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard (attachment type) (leaderboard type)LoadUnitedDataGets character data from leadersboard and caches it.MakeUnityNPCUpdates NPC with data from unity cache.SetVolumetricLighting Parameters (vl)Set volumetric lighting parameters.StartWorkshop (workshop)Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.ToggleVBlankOptimToggles VBlank optimAddKeywordAdd the given keyword to the referenceRemoveKeywordRemove the given keyword on the reference.SetAmbientParticlesEnabledEnables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles.RemoveOutposts ()Removes the given Outpost and all built items.SetESRAMSetupForce specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup).CallStackTraceDepthSet the callstack depth when tracing it.CommandedActivatedCommands selected actor to use a reference.EnableGalaxyModeEnables/Disables galaxy mode.ToggleStarFieldDebugToggles the StarField debug on or off.SetStarFieldCoordinateScale ()Sets the StarField coordinate scale.SetStarSystemScale (sss)Sets the star system scale.MoveToPlanetIf target player ship, move to or give path to pilot to (target) (1 to do full jump sequence).SetOrbitSpeedScaleSets global orbit speed scale.InstanceNamingRulesExport instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt.GetOrbisModInfoPrints info relating to Orbis mod game data files.ToggleSceneDebugShow debug state for scene.SetFarClipSet far clip value (-1 to clear override).ToggleOverdrawToggle overdraw.RecordSceneCapture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default])LandOnPlanet (lop)Land on a planet. (lop )TakeOffToSpaceTake off to space.PreviewBodyResources (pbr)Previews resources for a planet.SendAffinityEvent(AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference.AddPowerAddPower (part) #RemovePowerRemovePower (part) #MatlockCaptureForce matlock to realize a capture.ToggleSnapNodeMarkersForce matlock to realize a capture.ToggleSnapNodeMarkersToggle snap node markers.SetVoiceTypeSet an override voice type on an actor.AddWorldSpaceToPlanetAdds a world space to a planet.DebugDataProviderSet the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug.LoadAll3DLoad all queued 3D.PrintAllMenus (pam)Print all active menus.PrintAllInputContext (paic)Print the input context stack.AddPlotToBody (AddPlot)Plot a route to this body.ReloadFaceDataReload face data.SetGravityScaleSets gravity scale on a ref's parent cell.PreviewBlockPreviewBlock (blockname) (biome).ExportTerrainTexturesExport terrain textures.ExportTerrainGridsExport terrain grids.ExportTerrainHeightMapExport terrain height map.ExportTerrainSplatMapExplort terrain splat map.ExportTerrainMaterialIndexMapExport terrain material index map.ExportTerrainFilesExport terrain files.UpdateTerrainClipmapsRefresh Terrain Clipmaps.ToggleDebugCameraToggle debug camera (mode name)CyclePrevDebugCameraCycle to previous debug camera.CycleNextDebugCameraCycle to next debug camera.ToggleDebugCameraControlsToggle debug camera controls.SetImGuiWindowFunction (siw)Activate an ImGui window.HotReloadUIHot Reloads the User Interface SWFs.SetPosRelativeToRefScript function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player).FaceRefMake a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset.SetWorkshopItemSet the Workshop menu's Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any.GenerateNavMeshGenerates nav-mesh on the current cell.LandOnPlanetAnimatedLand players spaceship with animation.startNewGameCommand to trigger new game on main menu without UI.ForcedBleedoutForce an actor to enter bleedout.ForceConditionFormTrueForce a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.ForceConditionFormFalseForce a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.LandOnPlanetBiomeLand on a planet's biome. (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1])LandOnPlanetMarkerLand at a marker on the current planet.TestAllPlanetsTestPlanets.ClearLinkedRefClear a linked reference.SetLocalTimeSets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim.ReloadMaterialsReloads all materials.PlacementOnCellTest overlay placement on a cell. (poc (cellindex.x)(xellindex.y))ToggleWorkshopFlyCamToggle workshop flycam.CheckBiomeMarkerFinds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker.TestBiomePlanet (tbp)Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there.PreviewPatternPreview Pattern (patternname)(biome)SetHavokDynamicSet reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg.SetHavokKinematicSet reference motion to kinematic.SetHavokActiveSet reference havok activity.SetHavokLODSet reference collision lod.SetHavokLinearVelocitySet reference linear velocity.SetHavokAngularVelocitySet reference angular velocity.SetHavokCollisionLayerSet havok collision layer.SetHavokRagdollFrictionSet havok ragdoll friction.SetHavokParamSet havok param.ShowHavokRagdollValuesShow havok ragdoll values.StartHavokPartTestStart/reset havok particles test.StopHavokPartTestStop havok particles test.SetOrientationSet reference orientationToggleDebugText3DToggle in game debug text.ToggleBioOverlayToggle the BI Overlay.ToggleMetricViewerSpawn Metric ViewerPrintMessagePrint a message to the screen (print (message) (time) (clear previous messages flag))AddDebugTestAdd debug text to a reference (AddDebugText (debug text) (size) (color) (background color) (border color) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) (pinned flag)DisableActorPackageDisable or enable an actor's package (DisableActorPackage (0/1))StopBatchFileStop a running batchfile.CenterOnSpaceCellMove to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship.DependencyGraphDumpDump Dependency Graph.ToggleExperimentalShadersToggles experimental shaders on/off.SetTestPlanetAndBiomeSets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers. (stpb [planetname] [biome form]Can you use Starfield console commands on Xbox?
You can't technically use Starfield console commands on Xbox to activate cheats, however according to user ZA44 on the Starfield subreddit, if you have Starfield on PC you can activate console commands on it and then load your save on Xbox to take advantage of the cheats you turned on.
With the 'play anywhere' feature you automatically have Starfield for PC if you only purchased it on Xbox, so no need to buy two copies.
You can use the console commands if you cross save between PC and Xbox. by u/ZA44 in Starfield To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settingsWe haven't been able to test this out ourselves just yet, but if you're going to try console commands on Xbox we suggest you don't use too many console commands as it could seriously mess with your save file on Xbox and might crash the console.
Do Starfield console commands disable achievements?
Yes, if you use Starfield's console commands to alter your game in any way you will disable achievements. So there's no easy way to get all of Starfield's achievements.
Hope you enjoy using console commands in Starfield! For specific items to spawn, check out our item ID list.
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