Timburr, the Muscular Pokémon and basically the answer to the question 'What if Machop held stuff?' is flexing on October’s Community Day – a reoccurring Pokémon Go event that celebrates a specific Pokémon, while boosting shiny rates and offering an exclusive move, along with a whole host of other bonuses!
Why Timburr? We honestly don’t know. After Duskull in 2021 and Litwick in 2022, we were hoping for a spooky, Halloween Community Day. There are so many exciting Ghost-type Pokémon yet to join the game, and rather than throwing us a Halloween-themed bone, we get Timburr — a Pokémon that is pretty difficult to get excited about.
That’s enough moaning about that — here at Eurogamer, we hope you have an excellent Halloween, but from here on out, it’s all about Timburr. Since it will be spawning en masse throughout the event, this is the best chance we’ve had for catching an Timburr with 100% perfect IV stats and, if you achieve this feat, it’s a good idea to know Conkeldurr’s best moveset.
Even if you’re not fussed on this month’s Community Day Pokémon, there are a multiple other bonuses that may get you out and about, including the PVPer’s favourite: triple catch Stardust bonus.
Timburr’s 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon GoTimburr evolution chart: What does Timburr evolve into?Conkeldurr moves and best moveset recommendationWhat do shiny Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr and Conkeldurr look like?Other Timburr Community Day bonusesTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Watch as battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTubeTimburr’s 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go
October’s Community Day is the perfect opportunity to find a Timburr with perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go.

For Timburr, the CP values which correspond to perfect 15/15/15 stats are as follows:
Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 1127 CPLevel 35 (weather boosted CP maximum) - 1221 CPTimburr’s wild CP value aligns with your current Trainer Level until you reach Level 30, so, since the majority of the player base is above this level, we keep to these values for the sake of simplicity. If you’re currently beneath Level 30, however, these values will be different.
Perfect stats in Pokémon Go, however, depend entirely on what you want to use your Pokémon for.
Perfect for the Master League and raids means exclusively 15/15/15 – the best possible stats that a Pokémon can have.
Meanwhile, perfect for Great League and Ultra League are completely different, as the goal is to get the highest level you can without going over the CP cap (1500 for Great League and 2500 for Ultra League). Since attack raises CP more than defence, the highest-level Pokémon in these leagues tend to have low attack and high defence.
If you want to run Conkeldurr in those two leagues, you’re looking for different stats:
A perfect Great League Conkeldurr is 3/15/15, reaching 1500 CP at Level 16.5A perfect Ultra League Conkeldurr is 0/15/12, reaching 2499 CP at Level 28
Timburr evolution chart: What does Timburr evolve into?
Timburr evolves into Gurdurr with 50 Timburr Candy in Pokémon Go. Gurdurr can then evolve into Conkeldurr using one of two methods: either you can burn 200 Timburr Candy or, because Timburr really is just Machop go brrr, you can trade with a friend as any Gurdurr received in a trade can evolve for free. Remember: this only applies to Gurdurr - if you trade for a Timburr, you will have to pay the full 250 Candy to get a Conkeldurr.

The theme here is a little on the nose. In case the names weren’t enough of a giveaway, Timburr swaps its timber for a girder. Gurdurr, meanwhile, swaps its girder for concrete. Why 'Conkel'durr? The running theory is that it is the concrete elder (eldurr), but honestly, that may be overthinking what is clearly a very simple design.
The real question, of course, is why isn’t Timburr a Fighting and Grass-type, Gurdurr a Fighting and Steel type, and Conkeldurr a Fighting and Rock-type? Now that would have been an interesting design choice.
You can find out more about each Pokémon in their official Pokédex entries below:
Timburr: It loves helping out with construction projects. It loves it so much that if rain causes work to halt, it swings its log around and throws a tantrum.
Gurdurr: It shows off its muscles to Machoke and other Gurdurr. If it fails to measure up to the other Pokémon, it lies low for a little while.
Conkeldurr: Concrete mixed by Conkeldurr is much more durable than normal concrete, even when the compositions of the two materials are the same.

October’s Community Day event runs between 2pm and 5pm (local time), so you’ll have three hours to gather as much Timburr Candy as possible, to ensure you can fully evolve it!
If you’re hurting for candy, use Pinap Berries and Silver Pinap Berries to double the amount of candy you earn from catching, and make sure to have a Fighting-type Pokémon mega evolved – Mega Lopunny or Mega Medicham, for example, will do the trick.
Conkeldurr moves and best moveset recommendation
Conkeldurr is reasonable in Go Battle League, but Raids is where it really shines - being one of the top five non-Mega, non-Shadow Fighting-type raid attackers. With Counter and Dynamic Punch, it’s simply a better Machamp. That said, given how easy it is to get an army of Shadow Machamp or Lucario, most players won’t have much need for a new Conkeldurr.

As for Go Battle League, we’re looking at either a low-level Conkeldurr for Great League or a middling Pokémon for Ultra League. Conkeldurr is actually an option for Master League, should you need a better Machamp. None of this is massively exciting, but Conkeldurr is about to get an exciting new exclusive move: Brutal Swing.
So, how exciting is Brutal Swing?
On a Dark-type Pokémon, very - this move is, as the name implies, brutal. On a mono-Fighting type, this is great coverage against Psychic and Ghost-type opponents, and on Conkeldurr in particular, it’s just a cheap Charged Move, which it sorely needs. This means that if you want to run a Conkeldurr, you probably want to run Counter, Dynamic Punch and Brutal Swing.
If you want to see the full move set, here it is:
Conkeldurr Fast MovesCounter (Legacy Fighting)Poison Jab (Poison)Conkeldurr Charged MovesDynamic Punch (Fighting)Stone Edge (Rock)Focus Blast (Fighting)Conkeldurr Legacy Charged MovesBrutal Swing (Dark)We expect Conkeldurr to benefit most from this new move in Ultra League, where Giratina was previously a bit of an issue. It’s probably not enough for Conkeldurr to really climb the ranks.
The Season of Adventures Abound is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone.Party Play - Pokémon Go's multiplayer feature - is here, along with the Welcome Party quest.You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball quest and compete in the Go Battle League.Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete Routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. This incense may also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
What do shiny Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr and Conkeldurr look like?
The opportunity to catch a shiny form of the highlighted Pokémon is one of the biggest draws of any Community Day event. This is thanks to the increased shiny rate for the event’s highlighted Pokémon combined with how catching Pokémon of the same type naturally increases said rate making it easier to encounter shinies.
To find a shiny Pokémon, you need to either start a catch encounter with a Pokémon in the wild or earn said encounter by completing an activity like a raid. From there, it’s easy to see if you’ve encountered a shiny Pokémon due to its alternative colouring, the sparkles that appear when the encounter begins and the shiny icon next to the Pokémon’s name.
While these shinies have been available for a while — they were released back in March 2020 as part of the Go Battle League Season 1 Launch Celebration — this is the first Timburr Community Day, which means if you’re still missing these shinies, you’ve never had a better chance to hunt them out!
Below you can take a look at shiny Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr and Conkeldurr.
Timburr Shiny Family Comparison, A Go Battle League Season 1 Launch Celebration (Better Quality) byu/RyotoYokoyama inTheSilphRoadTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settingsAs you can see, there’s not much in it — our three Pokémon have simply spent too much time in the sun at work. Timburr takes a more golden hue or its body, and swaps its pinks for a reddish orange colour. Gurdurr does the same, to an almost identical degree.
As for Conkeldurr, the pinks stay orange, but the body colour (which starts darker) becomes a darker shade of tanned.
These are all pretty disappointing shinies. For each of them, the red saturation slider was bumped up slightly and the designers called it a day. Or, to put it in internet parlance: saturation go brrr...
If you want to evolve shiny Timburr, we recommend waiting until after the event, where you will have until five hours (until 10pm local time) to evolve and gain the exclusive moves. This way you’ll have ample time to, hopefully, catch a couple of shiny Timburr, along with enough candy to evolve them, without having to worry about sorting through your collection at the same time. Remember, it’s a good idea to check your shiny Timburr’s stats, because it might have perfect IVs – making it even better for battle!
Evolving a shiny Timburr will add a shiny Gurdurr and, if you complete the evolution line, shiny Conkeldurr and Conkeldurr to your collection. If you do fully evolve a shiny Timburr during the event hours (or up to five hours after it ends), the resulting shiny Conkeldurr will know Brutal Swing – the exclusive Dark-type Charged move for this Community Day.
Other Timburr Community Day bonuses
Community Days in Pokémon Go always come with a string of bonuses, and Timburr Community Day is no different.
Some of these bonuses are always the same – like increased spawns and increased shiny rates. However, there is a rotating set of other bonuses that come with Community Days, such as double or triple catch Candy, Stardust or XP.
A full list of Timburr Community Day bonuses can be found below:

Hope you enjoy Timburr’s Community Day, and good luck finding a perfect shiny!
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