Wriothesley is a 5-Star Cryo character who was added to Genshin Impact during Phase 2 of the 4.1 update.
While Wriothesley is featured as the boosted 5-Star character in his Tempestuous Destiny Banner in version 4.1, he will eventually return at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to him.
Whether you have him, or want to prepare for if you do Wish for him successfully, it's good to know the best Wriothesley build in Genshin Impact, including his best Artifacts and best team. It's also handy to learn what his Constellation perks are, and what Wriothesley Talent materials and Ascension materials are needed to level up Wriothesley to his full potential.
Wriothesley materials and stats:
Wriothesley Talents, skills, star, element, and weaponWriothesley Talent materialsWriothesley Ascension materialsWriothesley ConstellationsWriothesley build:
How to play Wriothesley in Genshin ImpactBest Wriothesley team compBest Wriothesley ArtifactsBest Wriothesley weaponBest Wriothesley buildTo see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings Version 4.1 "To the Stars Shining in the Depths" Trailer | Genshin Impact.Watch on YouTubeBe sure to check out our beginner's guide with tips and tricks, and Genshin Impact codes page to get free Primogems that can be used towards unlocking Wriothesley and other characters.
Genshin Impact Wriothesley Talents, skills, star, element, and weapon
Wriothesley is a 5-Star Cryo character who uses a catalyst, and is best used in an onfield DPS role as somebody who focuses on Cryo-infused normal attacks.

Here's a summary of Wriothesley's kit in Genshin Impact:
Element: Cryo.Rarity: 5-Star.Weapon: Catalyst.Normal Attack: Forceful Fists of Frost.Elemental Skill: Icefang Rush.Elemental Burst: Darkgold Wolfbite.Passive one: There Shall Be a Plea for Justice (When Wriothesley's health is less than 60%, he obtains a Gracious Rebuke, enhancing his next charged attack into Rebuke: Vaulting Fist, which does not consume Stamina, deals 50% increased damage, and restores HP for Wriothesley after hitting equal to 30% of his maximum HP. Wriothesley can gain a Gracious Rebuke this way once every five seconds).Passive two: There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin (If Wriothesley is in the Chilling Penalty state conferred by Icefang Rush and his current health increases or decreases, Chilling Penalty will gain one stack of Prosecution Edict, for a maximum of five stacks. Each stack of Prosecution Edict increases Wriothesley's attack by 6%).Crafting bonus: The Duke's Grace (When Wriothesley crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product).Wriothesley Normal Attack - Forceful Fists of Frost
When tapping the normal attack button Wriothesley produces Repelling Fists that perform up to five rapid hits of Cryo damage. Holding down the attack button charges Wriothesley's attack instead and he consumes stamina to leap and unleash a Vaulting Fist, dealing AoE Cryo damage.
Once Wriothesley's first passive talent is unlocked, using a charged attack when his health is less than 60% changes it into a Rebuke: Vaulting Fist charged attack. See the list above for more information on this passive talent.

Wriothesley Elemental Skill - Icefang Rush
Wriothesley sprints forward a short distance, entering the Chilling Penalty state which increases Wriothesley's interruption resistance. Additionally, when his health is above 50%, Chilling Penalty increases the damage of his Normal Attack: Forceful Fists. When he hits an opponent in this enhanced Forceful Fists state, Wriothesley's HP is consumed every 0.1 seconds.
Chilling Penalty is removed when Wriothesley is off the field.
Wriothesley Elemental Burst - Darkgold Wolfbite
Wriothesley strikes out with an icy straight, then uses Icicle Impact to cause multiple instances of AoE Cryo damage in a frontal area.
Wriothesley's Burst also produces Ousia-aligned energy when the Icicle Impact ends and a Surging Blade descends upon an enemy.

Genshin Impact Wriothesley Talent materials

To get the most out of using Wriothesley, you will have to level his skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Wriothesley, you need to farm a lot of Gear and Order materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
As Wriothesley has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of his abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Wriothesley Talent materials you need to improve one of his abilities:
Wriothesley Talent levelWriothesley Talent materialsMora costLevel 2x3 Teachings of Order, x6 Meshing Gear12,500Level 3x2 Guide to Order, x3 Mechanical Spur Gear17,500Level 4x4 Guide to Order, x4 Mechanical Spur Gear25,000Level 5x6 Guide to Order, x6 Mechanical Spur Gear30,000Level 6x9 Guide to Order, x9 Mechanical Spur Gear37,500Level 7x4 Philosophies of Order, x4 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x1 Primordial Greenbloom120,000Level 8x6 Philosophies of Order, x6 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x1 Primordial Greenbloom260,000Level 9x12 Philosophies of Order, x9 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x2 Primordial Greenbloom450,000Level 10x16 Philosophies of Order, x12 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x2 Primordial Greenbloom, x1 Crown of Insight700,000Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Wriothesley's skills:
x1 Crown of Insightx3 Teachings of Orderx6 Meshing Gearx6 Primordial Greenbloomx21 Guide to Orderx22 Mechanical Spur Gearx31 Artificed Dynamic Gearx38 Philosophies of Order1,652,500 MoraTo upgrade all three of Wriothesley's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you'll need:
x3 Crown of Insightx9 Teachings of Orderx18 Meshing Gearx18 Primordial Greenbloomx63 Guide to Orderx66 Mechanical Spur Gearx93 Artificed Dynamic Gearx114 Philosophies of Order4,957,500 MoraHydro Archon Furina is coming, but for now in Version 4.1, Neuvillette and Wriothesley debut, and you'll need Subdetection Units for Wriothesley. Our Fontaine guide can help with Fontaine's Reputation and the Fountain of Lucine, and you can also redeem new codes for Primogems, and check out our regularly updated tier list.You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events.Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners, Dendroculus locations, fishing locations, and TCG card locations.
Genshin Impact Wriothesley Ascension materials

Just like Talents, you need to use Wriothesley Ascension materials to upgrade his health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You need to farm a lot of Subdetection Unit and Gear materials for Wriothesley (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Wriothesley to his highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Wriothesley Ascension materials and Mora you need to upgrade him for each Ascension level:
Wriothesley Ascension levelWriothesley Ascension materialsMora costAscension rewardLevel 20x1 Shivada Jade Sliver, x3 Subdetection Unit, x3 Meshing Gear20,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 40x3 Shivada Jade Fragment, x2 Tubion Device, x10 Subdetection Unit, x15 Meshing Gear40,000NoneLevel 50x6 Shivada Jade Fragment, x4 Tubion Device, x20 Subdetection Unit, x12 Mechanical Spur Gear60,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 60x3 Shivada Jade Chunk, x8 Tubion Device, x30 Subdetection Unit, x18 Mechanical Spur Gear80,000NoneLevel 70x6 Shivada Jade Chunk, x12 Tubion Device, x45 Subdetection Unit, x12 Artificed Dynamic Gear100,000x1 Acquaint FateLevel 80x6 Shivada Jade Gemstone, x20 Tubion Device, x60 Subdetection Unit, x24 Artificed Dynamic Gear120,000NoneIn total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Wriothesley in Genshin Impact:
x1 Shivada Jade Sliverx6 Shivada Jade Gemstonex9 Shivada Jade Fragmentx9 Shivada Jade Chunkx18 Meshing Gearx30 Mechanical Spur Gearx36 Artificed Dynamic Gearx46 Tubion Devicex168 Subdetection Unit420,000 MoraGenshin Impact Wriothesley Constellations
By getting duplicates of Wriothesley from wishing on Banners, you will receive his Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.

Here are all of Wriothesley's Constellations in Genshin Impact:
Terror for the Evildoers (C1): The Gracious Rebuke from Wriothesley's first passive is instead activated when he has less than 60% HP or while he is in the Chilling Penalty state caused by his Elemental Skill. When the fifth attack of Wriothesley's normal attack chain hits, it also creates a Gracious Rebuke, with one Gracious Rebuke effect obtainable every 2.5 seconds. Additionally, the special charged attack damage of Rebuke: Vaulting Fist is further increased to 200%, and when it hits while Wriothesley is in the Chilling Penalty state, that state's duration is extended by four seconds. One such extension can occur per one Chilling Penalty duration.Shackles for the Arrogant (C2): When using his Elemental Burst, each Prosecution Edict stack from Wriothesley's second passive talent increases its damage dealt by 40%.Punishment for the Frauds (C3): Increases the Level of Wriothesley's normal attack by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.Redemption for the Suffering (C4): The health restored to Wriothesley through Rebuke: Vaulting Fist is increased to 50% of his maximum HP. Additionally, when Wriothesley is healed, if the amount of healing overflows, his attack speed is increased by 20% for four seconds if he is on the field. If Wriothesley is off-field instead, all party members' attack speed is increased by 10% for six seconds. These two effects can't stack.Mercy for the Wronged (C5): Increases the Level of Wriothesley's Elemental Burst by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.Esteem for the Innocent (C6): The Crit Rate of Rebuke: Vaulting Fist is increased by 10%, and its Crit Damage is also increased by 80%. When released, it also unleashes an icicle that deals 100% of Rebuke: Vaulting Fist's base damage. This damage is considered charged attack damage.How to play Wriothesley in Genshin Impact
Wriothesley is an on-field DPS who uses enhanced Cryo normal attacks, so that's what you'll want to be doing most of the time. Use all of your other party members' abilities and buffs first in your rotations before stopping on Wriothesley to activate his Skill and then use normal attack combos.
Make sure you don't swap to another character while Wriothesley's Skill buff is active, or you'll lose the Chilling Penalty state produced by it.

An important thing to note about Wriothesley is that he gains an attack buff when he's above 50% HP in the Chilling Penalty state, but that he loses HP when normal attacking in this state. To help with this, you can use a charged attack when Wriothesley's HP is less that 60% to restore some of his health.
Ideally, you'll want Wriothesley's HP to consistently be around 50 to 60% so you can get the extra boost to Wriothesley's attack when his health increases or decreases. This attack boost stacks five times, so you can aim to have higher health once five stacks are reached.
Best Wriothesley team comp in Genshin Impact
We recommend you have a healer on your Wriothesley team unless you're very skilled at dodging while working in Wriothesley's combos to deal damage and heal. Bennett, as always, is a fantastic healer option, especially because he can help in Melt and Reverse Melt Wriothesley teams on top of his healing.
For Reverse Melt teams, you'll need another Pyro character, and we recommend the always reliable Xiangling for this role. The last slot is flexible depending on your needs, but Shenhe is a great pick for her increase to Cryo damage, but good old Kazuha can save the day by swirling your Cryo and Pyro damage, and you can even use Zhongli if you're struggling to stay alive and need shields.

An alternative to Melt and Reverse Melt teams are Freeze teams, and we recommend the tried and tested combo of Shenhe, Kokomi and Kazuha if you have them for one of the best Wriothesley Freeze teams. Alternatively, you could use Yelan and Xingqiu with a flexible final party member best given to a healer or shielder. Furina could make a good final pick in the future, but we need to wait for her official kit reveal to know this for certain.
Outside of these traditional teams, you can slot Wriothesley into other types of teams to just be an on-field DPS while you run effects like Hyperbloom around him, but we generally recommend Freeze or Melt variant teams to take advantage of Wriothesley's Cryo abilities.
Best Wriothesley Artifacts in Genshin Impact

The best Artifact set for Wriothesley in Genshin Impact is the 4-piece Marechaussee Hunter, as it increases his normal and charged attack damage, and also gives him a huge boost in Crit Rate damage when his health increases or decreases - which should be happening consistently.
There are some alternative Relics that you can equip on Wriothesley until you get a good Marechaussee Hunter set, most notably mixing the 2-pieces of either Blizzard Strayer, Marechausse Hunter, Gladiator's Finale, Echoes of an offering, or Shimenawa's Reminiscence. These raise Wriothesley's attack or Cryo damage, which is needed far more than any boosts to his Burst.
For Freeze teams, you can also use the 4-piece of the Blizzard Strayer.
As for Wriothesley's main Artifact stats, you'll want to go for Crit Damage when you can. Crit Rate can be saved for substats, as Wriothesley gets a lot from passives, weapons, and Relic set abilities. Attack is a great main stat to aim for as well if you already have enough Crit Rate and can't get Crit Damage.
Best Wriothesley weapon in Genshin Impact
As with most signatures, 5-Star Cashflow Supervision catalyst is Wriothesley's best weapon in Genshin Impact.
At Refinement 1 and Level 90, Cashflow Supervision increases attack by 16%, and when Wriothesley's current HP increases or decreases, normal attack damage is increased by 16% and charged attack damage is increased by 14% for four seconds. This effect can stack three times, and can be triggered once every 0.3s seconds. When Wriothesley has three stacks, his attack speed is also increased by 8%.

You can repurpose other 5-Star catalysts for Wriothesley, most notably the Tulaytullah's Remembrance for its Crit Damage and increase to normal and charged attacks after using a Skill. Additionally, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds and Skyward Atlas are good 5-Star alternatives for their base attack stat on top of other perks. Even the Tome of the Eternal Flow can be used for its incredible boost to Crit Damage.
As for 4-Star options, you can go with the event weapon Ballad of the Boundless Blue if you have it. If not, Flowing Purity is good if you're using a healer in your Wriothesley team. The Widsith is also good for its attack increase, but can be a little underwhelming if not using in a Melt team.
Hydro Archon Furina is coming, but for now in Version 4.1, Neuvillette and Wriothesley debut, and you'll need Subdetection Units for Wriothesley. Our Fontaine guide can help with Fontaine's Reputation and the Fountain of Lucine, and you can also redeem new codes for Primogems, and check out our regularly updated tier list.You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events.Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners, Dendroculus locations, fishing locations, and TCG card locations.
Best Wriothesley build in Genshin Impact
If you want to take advantage of his on field DPS potential while keeping him alive, we have compiled what we think is currently the best Wriothesley build in Genshin Impact:
Wriothesley Best Weapon: 5-Star Cashflow Supervision catalyst.Wriothesley Best Artifacts: 4-piece Marechaussee Hunter.Wriothesley Best team comp: Bennett, Xiangling, Shenhe.
It can take a lot of time to farm for the materials needed to get Wriothesley to his full potential, but if you're after a good on-field DPS with a fun normal attack playstyle, then Wriothesley is a solid pick for your future teams.
Good luck levelling up Wriothesley in Genshin Impact!
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