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Subway Simulator 3D Mod APK 3.9.6 [Unlimited money]6 Type: Mod APKSize: 100.76 MB Time: 2024-06-22download APK
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The main advantages / modifications of Subway Simulator 3D Mod APK 3.9.6 [Unlimited money]
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Abunchofnewfeaturesisupdatedinversion3.9.2.Theuniquegiftthatallgamershavebeenwaitingforhasarrivedistheappearanceof2supernewandsupermodernsubwaytrains.Theelectronicsubwayisthemostmoderntraininthegame;itsdesignandfeaturesarenodifferentfromatrainfromthefuturethroughspace. ThesecondoneisR211,withtheroutegoingstraighttotheprosperousNewYorkCity.Inaddition,youcannowoptionallychangethenumberofyourcarriages.Thegame'slargememoryproblemshavealsobeenfixed.REALREALITYSIMULATION
ThewaytodrivethetrainandtherulestobegraspedinSubwaySimulator3Darenodifferentfromwhathappensinreality.Thetrainwillmoveaccordingtoyourchosenroute,soyoumustchoosethetrainanddestination.Usethebrakewhenyouwanttostopattrainstationstopickuppassengers.Thenusethelevertocontrolthespeedofthetrain. Inadditiontothebasicsteps,thegamealsogivesyousomeotherinterestingactions,suchasopening/closingthedoorwhenreceivingguests,turningonthelightswhenenteringthecellarorwhenitisdark,changingthemirrortoseethesituation.Youalsoneedtoconstantlymonitorthemaptoseethenexttrainstationandadjusttheappropriatespeedforyourtrain.COMPLYWITHTRAFFICLAWS
Newsubwaygameforexploringtheundergroundthatisbreath-taking. Apassengertrainsimulatorthatincludestheopportunitytoserveasatraincontroller. Therearemanymetroexpresstrainsandalargenumberofmetroraillinestodiscover. Withtheautopilot,youcanplaythebestrailroadgamesever. Possibilitytotakecommandofahigh-speedsubterraneantrain Oneofthetopbullettraingamestoplayin2018isBulletTrain.FUNFROMHOWTOMANAGETHEVEHICLES
Notonlysatisfyingtheirpassionforcontrollingthesubway,butplayerscomingtoSubwaySimulator3Dalsolearn,showofftheirskills,earnextracoinsfromtrains,therebyopeningmoreroutes.Learninghowtoobeytrafficlawsisalsoworthremindingbecauseyouwillbefinedonceyouexceedthelimit;thenumberofpassengerstrustingtochooseyouasadriverwillbethenumberofpointsyoureceiveaftereachtrip.It'salsocooltobetheowneroftheshipwiththebiggestcontroller! Don'tbetoosurprisedtoseeacollectionoftrainsthateveryonewants;youwantthemtobeyours?Noteasy,notdifficulteither!Accumulateearnedcoinsandbuythemusingin-gamecurrency.Thespecialeventsthatopenarealsoopportunitiesforyoutofind,buy,andownshipswithnewandbeautifuldesigns.Manymodelsarewaitingforyoutochoose,sowhynotgiveitatry?ENHANCEYOURSKILLSANDWELCOMEMORECUSTOMERSONLY
EntertheworldofSubwaySimulator3D,chooseyourowntrainandroad,learntousethebuttontocloseandopenthepassengerdoor,usethetooltoincreaseordecreasethespeedfastorslow,alsoneedtoobservetofollowKeeptrackofthenumberofpassengersyouhave.Remember,themoreguestsyouhave,themorequalifiedyouare.Alwayspayattentiontothespeedanddonotgetpenalized;avoidaccidents.Andit'salsoverynovelwhenyoucantryoutthecompletelydifferentautopilotfunctiontohavethemostfunride. Notonlydrivingthetrain,butyoushouldalsobeagooddriverwhoalwayspaysattentiontothemoodandattitudeofthepassengerstowardsthewayyouserve.Customerswillbesatisfieddependingonhowyoutreatthem.Successfullyconqueringpickyguestsisalsosomethingtobeproudof.Know-how,observethepassengersgetonandoff,thenopenandclosethedoor.Treatyourpassengersproperly;maybetheywillhelpyouopenupmoreroutesandtrains.GOANYWHEREYOUWANT
TheopportunitytogotoplacesyouhaveneverbeenbeforeorrevisitfamiliarscenesisalsoenjoyablewhenparticipatinginSubwaySimulator3D.Youcanstopforawhiletoenjoythebeautifulviewoutsidethewindow.Seeingtheworldwiththemostauthenticperspectiveistherelentlesseffortsofthecreators.Let'sgotoAsia,Europeandmore. Soyouhavetosetgoalsfordriving,pickinguppassengers,andgainingexperiencesoyoucanunlockmorestations,visitmoreplacesandmeetandlearnmoreexcitingthings.Don'tletthesceneryoutsidemakeyouwish;conqueritwithus.Exploreandlearnnow!DON'TFORGETTORECEIVEREWARDSANDATTENTIONSAFETY
Therewardsfromcompletingdailytaskswillhelpyougetincentives.Thegamehascreatedaseriesofoptionstochangetheappearanceoftheshipyouown.Itwouldhelpifyoualsoconsideredcustomizingyourshipanddecoratingitwitheye-catchingaccessoriesinthecabin. ———Subway Simulator 3D Mod APK 3.9.6 [Unlimited money] Features:
Bullet train games 2018 are so fascinating! Subway Simulator 3D app is an amazing chance to control an underground train. Railroad games offer you to feel like a true passenger train driver and to explore various train station routes on the metro map. Play one of the greatest railway apps and feel like a passenger train controller.NOW SUBWAY GAME NEW TRAIN SIMULATOR LETS YOU: upgrade your train driver and make an illustrious career; choose one underground train from 4 subway trains and customize them; discover metro map with intricate train controller routes and visit each train station; switch between the views of your metro express: from cab view to car view.No doubt that it is one of the most amazing railroad games with an opportunity to choose an underground train and feel like a true train controller. This one of bullet train games 2018 is a perfect opportunity explore each underground train station. Play one of the greatest railway apps.ONE OF RAILWAY APPS WITH SUBWAY TRAIN DRIVER CAREERIn this train simulator you can upgrade your passenger train driver. Collect authority points and get a promotion to unlock more metro rail routes and trains. Reach the highest rank to unlock all of them. Points are given to you for each completed route, but also for the total number of passengers you delivered. Become the greatest passenger train controller in these metro train games.HOW TO OPERATE IN THIS SUBWAY GAME NEW Choose a route and an underground train: you can drive up to 3 cars; Make doors open/close using the “door” button; Use the lever to speed up/slow down; Track the number of passengers: deliver as many as you can; Change the camera view to see how many passengers there are in a car; Track your speed or get fined – follow the speed limit instructions; Use the metro express warning signal when necessary. Be careful and try to avoid accidents Try the new autopilot functionFollow metro rail routes and transport passengers between stationsIn this one of the realistic metro train games you have to be very careful to avoid train accidents. Drive and watch the speed limit and metro map.Subway Simulator 3D train driver app key features:1) Breathtaking subway game new for exploring underground;2) Passenger train simulator with a chance to be a train controller;3) Several metro express trains and lots of metro rail routes to explore;4) Greatest of railroad games with the autopilot;5) Opportunity to control a high-speed underground train;6) One of the best bullet train games 2018.Enjoy the renovated, reinvented Subway Simulator 3D with its new metro express trains, metro map with routes and possibilities - one of the best metro train games!NEWEXPERIENCEREALREALITYSIMULATIONCOMPLYWITHTRAFFICLAWSUNLOCKNEWROUTESSUPERGORGEOUSGRAPHICSFEATURESFUNFROMHOWTOMANAGETHEVEHICLESENHANCEYOURSKILLSANDWELCOMEMORECUSTOMERSONLYGOANYWHEREYOUWANTDON'TFORGETTORECEIVEREWARDSANDATTENTIONSAFETYSubway Simulator 3D Brief Introduction
How to download and install Subway Simulator 3D Mod APK 3.9.6 [Unlimited money]?
// Option A //
To download Subway Simulator 3D mod from HappyMod.com.You need enable the option "Unknown Sources".1. Click on the above link to download Subway Simulator 3D mod APK.2. Save the file in your device Downloads folder.3. Now tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish.4. Once it is done, open the game and start playing it right away.
// Option B //
To download Subway Simulator 3D from HappyMod APP, you can follow this:1. Open your browser and download the HappyMod APK file from HappyMod.com - the only official website of HappyMod.2. Open Android Settings and go into Privacy or Security.3. Tap the option to Allow Unknown Sources and enable it.4. Go to your Android downloads and tap the APK file.5. Follow the directions on the screen to install it.6. Search Subway Simulator 3D in HappyMod App.
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