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ThegameplaythattheplayerwillneedtocompleteintheBridgeConstructorPortalistobuildabridgesothatvehiclescansafelymoveacross.Ifavehicleisdestroyed,thenyouareforcedtostartthegameagain.Atthesametime,whenyouseethenameofthisgame,youalsorealizethatthePortalgamealsoinspiresthegame,andsomecloseelementswillappear.YouwillbeaccompaniedbytheGLaDOSrobot,theplayer'sinstructor. GLaDOSalsoplaysthesameroleasinthisgamewhenyoureceivehelpfulinformationwhilebuildingthebridge.Newmechanicswillbeintroducedfirstforplayerstounderstandandthinkaboutitcarefully.Fromthere,theywillapplythisknowledgetothefollowinglevels.Itcanbesaidthatthehigheryougo,themorechallengingmechanismswillincreasethatplayerswillneedtopayattentiontobeabletobuildanexcellentbridge.INTERESTINGPORTALFEATURE
YouwillseeanenvironmentfromsimpletocomplexwheninaBridgeConstructorPortalenvironment,therewillbemanydifferentrooms.Ofcourse,sincethisisaPortal-inspiredgame,portalsthatconnectandhavedifferentcolorswillappearinthegame.Specifically,theroomsinthegamewillsometimesbedividedandhavenoconnectionwitheachother.Theonlywayforthevehiclestoreachthefinalpoint,completethelevelistogothroughtheportal. Thisfeatureisnottoodifficulttounderstand,andtheprimarycolorsthatplayerscanfindareorangeandblue.Overtime,thenumberofthesegateswillincreaseandmorethan2.Sothecolorofthetworelatedportalswillbethesameasthetwored,thetwoblueportals,andmanyothers.Soyou'llneedtoorientthevehicle'spathbeforeeditingoraddingnewelementstoformabridge.MANYCHALLENGESAREWAITINGFORPLAYERS
ThefirstlevelsthatplayersexperienceinBridgeConstructorPortalwillbetheonesthathelpyougetacquaintedwiththemechanicsofbridgeconstruction.Therewillbenodes,andyouwillconnectthesenodestoestablishaconnectionbetweenthem.Atthesametime,thisconnectionwillonlybemetforacertaindistance,andifitistoolong,youwillcreateyourbridgeswithmanynodesfortheconvoytopass.Youwilllearnhowtobuildbridges,tobesure. Onceyou'vemasteredthebridge-buildingfeatures,you'llbeintroducedtotwodifferentgatesandthenthemulticoloredgates.Youwillcreatemanybridgesinotherroomsintheenvironmentbecausevehiclescangofromroomtoroomthankstoportals.Therefore,determiningthedirectionisnecessary.Ofcourse,yourgoalisalwaystoensurethenumberofvehicles,andyoualsoknowhowmuchmoneyyouhavespent.AboutBridgeConstructorPortal
Everygameintheworldbeforereachingtheplayerisoftenundergotestingbythetesters,andTheBridgeConstructorPortalwillturnyouintoarealtester. Youdonothavetopaymuchattentiontotheplotofthisgame,justknowitwillturnyouintoamadscientistnamedGLaDOS.ItsthestoryatApertureScienceResearchcompanywhereyouworktoinventnewbridgesthatarebetter.Yourdailyworkinthelabistocreatedurabilityteststomeasuretheirloadcapacitybylettingexperimentaltrucksortheexperimentalcharactersrunfromthestartingpointtothetargetpoint.Notjustbuildingbridges,itsapuzzlegame
Thisgamedividedintoofmanysmalllevels,thelevelofplaywillgraduallyincreasethedifficultyfromsimpletoadvanced.Turrets,extremelydangerouslaserarraystotearanythinginitspath.Thegirlsorthedreamersthattrustingyouwillencountertheunluckythings;maybetheywilllosetheirownlives.Althoughinnovative,theBridgeConstructorPortalstillrequiresyoutobuildbridgesthatfollowrealphysicalrules.Mostscreensrequireacertaindegreeofaccuracy,makingsureyoutakecareofeveryactionyoutake;Besuretoconnectthebeamsandcablestocreateasolidstructurethatsupportstheloadandisconsistentwiththebudgetyouhave. Sayitsabridgegame,butactually,everyscreengameisapuzzleforyoutoanswer.Itisimportanttofigureouthowtoconnectthecomponentstogethersothatthebridgecanstand.Itwillbedifficultforanyplayer,sometimesthebridgewillcollapseandterribleresultswillcomewhenthebottomofthebridgeisanextremelyacidiclake.60levelswillbe60puzzles,eachscreenhassomethingnewandyouwillneverfeelthatoldgame. Eachsuccessfulgamewillgiveyouasmallamountofmoneythatyoucanusetobuymorematerialandpaytheexperimentalcharactersinthenextlevels.Portalgraphics,funnyvoices
TheexcitingthingaboutBridgeConstructorPortalisthatthisgameisfilledwithhumorousjokesofGLaDOS.ItmakesanyplayerfeelfamiliarwithacompletePortalversion.Forexample,whenthebridgecollapsesandagroupofpeopletestdead,GLaDOSwillsaytheydonotworry,theirwageswillbetransferredtotheafterlife. Atfirst,Ifoundittobeabitlikethe2DgraphicsofInside:apuzzlegamebyPlaydeadbutignoringthis,thegameisstillPortalstyle,nothingtodiscussgraphicsbecausethisgamehasbeenofficialcopyrightfromValve.ThismakestheBridgeConstructorPortallooklikeathirdversionofthelegendarygamingfranchise.Finalthought
Ispentafewhoursplayingthisgamebeforemakingthepostandfeltquiteimpressed. ———Bridge Constructor Portal Mod APK 7.0 Features:
Enter the Aperture Science Enrichment Center and experience Bridge Constructor Portal – the unique merging of the classic Portal™ and Bridge Constructor™ games.As a new employee in the Aperture Science test lab, it's your job to build bridges, ramps, slides, and other constructions in 60 test chambers and get the Bendies safely across the finish line in their vehicles.Make use of the many Portal gadgets, like portals, propulsion gel, repulsion gel, aerial faith plates, cubes, and more to bypass the sentry turrets, acid pools and laser barriers, solve switch puzzles, and make it through the test chambers unscathed.Let Ellen McLain, the original voice of GLaDOS, guide you through the tutorial, and learn all the tips and tricks that make a true Aperture Science employee.The bridge is a lie!Features:- The merging of two worlds: the first Bridge Constructor™ with an official Portal™ license- Create complex constructions in the Aperture Science labs- Let GLaDOS accompany you through tricky physics adventures- Use portals, aerial faith plates, propulsion gel, repulsion gel, and much more to master the complicated tasks- Evade dangers such as sentry turrets, emancipation grills, laser fields, and acid- Help your Bendies cross the finish line – on their own or in a convoy- Google Play Game Services Achievements- Tablets supportedIf you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please let us know: [email protected] Bridge Constructor Portal!BUILDSTURDYBRIDGESINTERESTINGPORTALFEATUREMANYCHALLENGESAREWAITINGFORPLAYERSAboutBridgeConstructorPortalAreyoureadytobecomeamadtester?Notjustbuildingbridges,itsapuzzlegamePortalgraphics,funnyvoicesFinalthoughtBridge Constructor Portal Brief Introduction
Title: Bridge Constructor Portal: A Unique Fusion of Engineering and PortalsIntroduction:Bridge Constructor Portal is an innovative and captivating game that brings together the principles of engineering and the mind-bending physics of the Portal series. Developed by ClockStone and published by Headup Games, this game serves as a fascinating crossover between the interactive puzzle game Portal, created by Valve Corporation, and the popular Bridge Constructor series.In Bridge Constructor Portal, players are tasked with constructing structurally-sound bridges, but with a twist. By incorporating the iconic portal technology from the original Portal games, players can manipulate the laws of physics and level dynamics to their advantage. This fusion creates an intriguing and challenging experience that engages players in both strategic construction and creative problem-solving.Set in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, players assume the role of a new employee tasked with overseeing the construction of bridges and vehicles. Guided by the witty and sarcastic AI, GLaDOS, players must navigate through a series of increasingly complex test chambers, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles to reach the ultimate goal — safely transporting their vehicles from one end of the level to the other.Bridge Constructor Portal's levels are meticulously designed to challenge players' engineering prowess. As the game progresses, new elements are introduced, such as aerial faith plates, companion cubes, and, of course, the iconic portal gun. Strategic placement of these tools and structures becomes crucial as players try to overcome hurdles and find the most efficient path to success. It's a delicate balance between constructing sturdy bridges and utilizing portals to create shortcuts and unexpected solutions.The game's aesthetics seamlessly blend the distinct visual styles of both the Portal and Bridge Constructor series, preserving the charm of both franchises while delivering a unique and visually stunning experience. Players can enjoy Aperture Science's distinct aesthetic and intricate test chambers, while the familiar orange and blue portals remain a constant element throughout.Additionally, Bridge Constructor Portal offers players the opportunity to unleash their creativity by providing a robust level editor. This allows aspiring engineers to craft their own challenging puzzles and share them with the game's thriving community. The replayability and longevity of Bridge Constructor Portal are greatly enhanced by this feature, as players can continually test their construction skills and conquer new fan-created levels.In summary, Bridge Constructor Portal is an unparalleled fusion of engineering simulation and the captivating world of Portal. With its challenging puzzles, inventive gameplay mechanics, and engaging narrative driven by GLaDOS, the game provides hours of mind-bending fun. Whether you're a fan of the Bridge Constructor series or the original Portal games, Bridge Constructor Portal is a must-play experience that offers a fresh and innovative take on puzzle-solving and construction simulation.
How to download and install Bridge Constructor Portal Mod APK 7.0 ?
// Option A //
To download Bridge Constructor Portal mod from HappyMod.com.You need enable the option "Unknown Sources".1. Click on the above link to download Bridge Constructor Portal mod APK.2. Save the file in your device Downloads folder.3. Now tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish.4. Once it is done, open the game and start playing it right away.
// Option B //
To download Bridge Constructor Portal from HappyMod APP, you can follow this:1. Open your browser and download the HappyMod APK file from HappyMod.com - the only official website of HappyMod.2. Open Android Settings and go into Privacy or Security.3. Tap the option to Allow Unknown Sources and enable it.4. Go to your Android downloads and tap the APK file.5. Follow the directions on the screen to install it.6. Search Bridge Constructor Portal in HappyMod App.
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