Lost Meridian
Ads for the sale of new or used (used) cars
The database of ads by Droma from individuals and car dealerships includes more than 600,000 offers from all over Russia . Cars for every taste and color, directly from your mobile.
Buying a car in the Drome is easy!
- The car you need is easy to find using filters.
Indicate the parameters of interest, for example, model, year of manufacture and engine size - the application will select the most suitable options.
- Subscribe to announcements according to your parameters of interest
- Read reviews from other car owners and share your experiences
- Using the “full report on a car” by VIN (vin) code, find out about his fate (traffic rules, fines, arrests, traffic accidents, traffic police)
Selling a car is even easier!
Place ads on the sale of your car directly from your phone. Talk about the characteristics of your car or motorcycle.
Complete the description with photos.
Also, thanks to the application, you can:
- create subscriptions to announcements according to the vehicle's parameters of interest;
- Receive instant notifications of new announcements;
- add to your favorites cars you are interested in;
- check the car by the wine number in the database;
- add notes to ads;
- manage your ads;
- correspond with sellers;
- Receive notifications of changes in prices for selected cars and other events;
- Compare ads with each other.
If you have any difficulties with the application, you can write to [email protected] , and the team of our developers will certainly help you deal with the problem.
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