What are the free magic in Sky: Children of the Light 9.18?
You can get some free magic from the Ark every day, so what free magic can players get today, September 18? Below, the editor of GameJapan brings you the specific content of the free magic locations i
2024-09-19Open -
Where is the big candle on September 18 in Sky: Children of the Light?
The big candles of Sky: Children of the Light are refreshed on the Forbidden Pavilion map today. Do you know the specific location of each big candle pile on September 18? Below, the editor of GameJap
2024-09-18Open -
Where are the black stone fragments in Sky: Children of the Light 9.18
Are there any red/black stone fragments in Sky: Children of the Light today? Do you know the specific drop locations of these fragments? Below, the editor of GameJapan brings you the specific location
2024-09-18Open -
Where are the Crescent Moon Tokens in Sky: Children of the Light 9.18?
The Autumn Festival event of Sky: Children of the Light has officially started on September 15th, so do you know where to find the Crescent Moon Tokens on September 18th? The following is the specific
2024-09-18Open -
Where are the candles in Sky: Children of the Light 9.18 season?
Today's seasonal candles of Sky: Children of the Light have been refreshed in Dawn Valley. There may be many players who don’t know the specific location of the seasonal candles of Sky: Children of th
2024-09-18Open -
How to complete the daily tasks in Sky: Children of the Light 9.18
Sky: Children of the Light's daily missions are now available in the Valley of Dawn. Do you know the specific mission information and procedures for today, September 18? Below, the editor of GameJapan
2024-09-18Open -
How to complete the daily tasks of Sky: Children of the Light on September 18th? How to complete the daily tasks of Sky: Children of the Light on September 18th?
Sky: Children of the Light's daily quests have been refreshed in the Valley of Dawn. Do you know the specific quest information and procedures for today, September 18? Below we bring you the specific
2024-09-18Open -
Where are the three instruments in the main storyline of Guilongchao?
Return of the Dragon has been officially launched. There are also many puzzle-solving tasks in the main storyline of the game. Do you know where three of the musical instruments are? The following is
2024-09-18Open -
How to play the Longevity Lock in Guilongchao
Return of the Dragon has been officially launched. There are many characters available in the game. Do you know how to play the longevity lock? The following is the specific content brought to you by
2024-09-18Open -
How to play Guilongchaochan
Return of the Dragon has been officially launched. There are many characters available in the game. Do you know how to play the entanglement? The following is the specific content brought to you by th
2024-09-18Open -
归龙潮缠缠怎么玩 归龙潮缠缠养成攻略
归龙潮已经正式上线了,游戏中有很多的角色可以获取,大家知道其中的缠缠要怎么玩吗?下面为大家带来的具体内容,感兴趣的玩家们千万不要错过哦!归龙潮缠缠怎么玩? //「缠缠」养成攻略中秋将至,缠缠带着兔仙仙提前给大家送中秋祝福啦!听说中秋节带缠缠一起玩会有特殊好运buff哦~快收下这份缠缠攻略吧!✦角色特点:咒术可锁敌,对空作战有很好的效果 ✦专属龙咒:反向预言 ✦潮品推荐:谙练、韬光套装 ✦技
2024-09-18Open -
时空中的绘旅人周年活动就要正式开始了,即将上线的迷境先知活动大家知道应该怎么玩吗?下面gamejapan小编为大家带来的具体内容,感兴趣的玩家们千万不要错过哦!「无需忧虑迷茫,万物皆为答案。」9月19日更新后 - 10月3日05:00,通过主界面下方[活动]进入「迷境先知」占卜馆,与帘幕后的[他]邂逅,分享当前所思所想。想象目前在意的内容,按下[占卜],耐心等待结果。结果生成后,可同时获得[钻石]
2024-09-18Open -
Back to the Future 1999: Tropical Glimpse
The new version of Back to the Future 1999 has a new wasteland theme set coming. What do you think of this Tropical Glimpse Set? The following is the specific content brought to you by the editor of g
2024-09-18Open -
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2024-09-17Open -
How to play the anniversary limited time cumulative charge in the painted traveler in time and space? Introduction to the anniversary limited time cumulative charge activity
The anniversary of Time Traveler is coming again. After this update, there will be a limited-time cumulative recharge event for the anniversary. Do you know how to play? The following is the specific